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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

its hilarious the amount of Cryami fans that are predicting a double digit win for Cryami

the delusion is strong in this fan base

their "premier" win under their current coach is a 1 point win at home over a Sam Bradford and Jermaine Gresham less Oklahoma team, whos "best" road win is a 4 point win over a 7-6 Florida State team

and they are going to waltz into the shoe against the #2 team in the nation and win by 10+
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so if I read this right you have 5 X the number of students....of course you should sell out every home game..take that 50k and turn it over every 4 years and your allumni rolls should be mind blowing!! the fact that a small private university was probabley THE dominate team from 83 till 2003 is astounding..so to call us fair weather fans is not really that accurate.. we have a small fan base as we are really a very small school...and the ghetto fans(usually a players family unfortunately)...

Notre Dame fits your profile of a small, private school (11,800 total students with 8,400 undergrads) and not only do they sell out their home games, they have their own network contract and own BCS deal. It appears to me that THE supposed team who has dominated the college football landscape between 1983 and 2003 would easily match what irrelevant ND has done especially when Miami is located in a a metro area of 5 million people.
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we have crossed the Mason Dixon line plenty... remember us beating you in east rutherford 23-12 ?? we have consistently played the best teams where ever they are from... lets see..Penn State, Michigan, Notre Dame...hell when Washington and BYU were good we went out there and played them as well....as far as playing bowl games in the opponents home state... what is that is an excuse for losing ?.. cause it felt like a road game? OSU travels well..sound a lot like the whining you accuse us of doing...from my experience, usually the people that post rude and ignorant comments never actually went to the school that they support...

As far as metro dade and broward go yes, there are 5 million people ..but very few have any tie's to the school...(ps all the illegals don;t help)...additionally we have a tremendous amount of options for things to do in the fall and winter months that aren't available else where...not an excuse, but the reality is while we don't have a large fan base... we are definitely not fair weather!!!..although we do like our sunshine!!!
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really we didn't dominate from 83 to 2003?..that's funny 5 titles and lost 3 more title games..plus not getting voted to play for one more even though we had the same record as fsu, but we beat them !! so thats us playing for the title 9 out of 20 years...please name me a school that can come close to that??? seriously... I'll wait....:!:!

As far as ND... yes they have a small school and we will catch up with their fan support, but it will take time... they have been a relevant college team since the 20's... so they have a huge edge in allumni etc... we will build up that level of support.. it just takes longer being a small school....

still waiting on that answer....
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MililaniBuckeye;1764516; said:
The vast majority of those in the stands aren't students, and I'd bet that well over half aren't even alums.

The metro Miami area has just short of 5 million people, so there's no reason why 1 person out of every 60 can't attend a Miami home game to fill the stadium.
That's because the prefer futbol over football in s fla,
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:slappy: The Wayans brothers thing literally made me laugh out loud, in fact im still chuckling about it

how can Ohio State compete with this?


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cane4life;1764528; said:
really we didn't dominate from 83 to 2003?..that's funny 5 titles and lost 3 more title games..plus not getting voted to play for one more even though we had the same record as fsu, but we beat them !! so thats us playing for the title 9 out of 20 years...please name me a school that can come close to that??? seriously... I'll wait....:!:!

As far as ND... yes they have a small school and we will catch up with their fan support, but it will take time... they have been a relevant college team since the 20's... so they have a huge edge in allumni etc... we will build up that level of support.. it just takes longer being a small school....

still waiting on that answer....

And miami has done jack shit since what's your point? You're not ever catching ND or Ohio State for that matter in alum support ever. Get used to being irrelevant because that's what the U has been since 2003. tick tock.
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son, i am assuming you actually read my post.... i wasn't bragging about the past... merely stating a fact, but someone on here disagreed so I merely clarified the obvious....and we haven't done much sense then, that's why this is going to be a great test to see how close to being legit we are....if we win I am still not in 100% because its too early to tell how good you guys are either
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How about we put away the measuring sticks and get back to talking football.

When you talk football, you'll get football talk back. When you call out people for racism, obviously that is going to spiral out of control quickly.

Obviously there will be some homers who don't respect Miami at all. There's not much point in trying to combat or call out buckeye silliness on a buckeye board, when that will get out of hand and kills the opportunity for quality conversation.

The texas threads dominated this board with hundreds of pages of quality football talk. The Ok State discussions were solid, as were the LSU ones. Ever since the 08 bowl (jan 09), we've been forced to talk to ourselves in pre-game threads with no USC or Miami fans surfacing, and naturally things got a bit out of hand.
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hey jwinslow....if you read my post the football discussion is what i came here for... but a lot of posts seem to be about "dissin da u" etc.... which is an obivious shot at saying we are a ghetto school or saying that U fans speak in eubonics....it is what it is....have learned some football stuff... seems like your LB's are smaller and faster then I thought....maybe not such an edge in our passing to our RB's as I thought....but maybe we will run at them more then I thought....can't wait till Sat !!
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cane4life;1764601; said:
hey jwinslow....if you read my post the football discussion is what i came here for... but a lot of posts seem to be about "dissin da u" etc.... which is an obivious shot at saying we are a ghetto school or saying that U fans speak in eubonics....it is what it is....have learned some football stuff... seems like your LB's are smaller and faster then I thought....maybe not such an edge in our passing to our RB's as I thought....but maybe we will run at them more then I thought....can't wait till Sat !!
Well, in fairness, "The U" was apparently chosen around 1973 because it lends itself to slogans like "U is great"

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