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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

So, I can't be the only one who is seriously questioning the legitimacy of that guys idiocy.

From the almost forced bad spelling and grammar to the complete inability to quote. I mean he fucking used
a code box to quote someone!
he seems like exactly the kind of troll that has mastered the art of baiting. I may have too much hope in humanity, but nobody can be that fucking dumb, can they?
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cane4life;1764818; said:
that's why we played our starters 1 1/2 quarters... u had to play 3 quarters against the HERD !!! great win....

So last years game are irrelevant ,including the Bowl games and last weeks games too... so that would leave us what exactly to go on?

Since everything in the past is irrelevant we can only go on an educated guess of what will happen. My guess is Harris will have some success and Pryor will too I also think the DE for Miami might pose a bigger problem to Ohio States running game than what I originally thought.

To negate that I think running up the gut will be JT's plan.

Maybe the o line for Miami can handle the Bucks front four but rotating 8 guys should keep them fresh...but then there's the hurry up...this is where the fans in the shoe will come into play. You see a game this hyped at 3:30 in the afternoon leaves plenty of time for tailgating and getting plenty loud for the visiting canes.

I do have some concerns with Miami going deep and getting PI calls.

Should be a great game.
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cane4life;1764890; said:
...please show where i said that.... yes moron Tressel led teams have given up 38 and 41 points .....it is not unreasonable to see us get into the 30's...but the fact that I stated this you feel justifies all the personal attacks !! i mean i could talk about the wonderful state of ohio's economy, why no one wants to employ american workers because of their over developed sense of entitlement( kinda like what has been displayed here) but why bother.....why is it no pro team from your state has won a title in over what 40 years ? and OSU has won 1 title in 40 years...yes great tradition of winners huh !! i can see why you are a group of angry bitter people...enjoy your evening and especially sat !!!

You fuck wad you BRING UP our loses to TWO damn SEC teams. You obviously feel because your team is in the South that you have some sort of speed advantage.

Someone ban this guy. You're some peice of work guy. Since when has this become a geographic battle? This isn't the confederation vs America dip shit. What's troubling one state should concern you no matter where the FUCK you are. Great American you are buddy to all the sudden try to reason your retarded aimless thoughts by bringing up another states ECONOMY!

When you fill your 50k seat stadium a few times, win 6 straight ACC titles, and get the opportunity to play in 8 BCS bowls in the last 9 years come talk at the big boy table.
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BuckeyeMike80;1764880; said:
So is it possible to win a game kicking only field goals while the other team scores only touchdowns?


cane4life;1764890; said:
...please show where i said that.... yes moron Tressel led teams have given up 38 and 41 points .....it is not unreasonable to see us get into the 30's...but the fact that I stated this you feel justifies all the personal attacks !! i mean i could talk about the wonderful state of ohio's economy, why no one wants to employ american workers because of their over developed sense of entitlement( kinda like what has been displayed here) but why bother.....why is it no pro team from your state has won a title in over what 40 years ? and OSU has won 1 title in 40 years...yes great tradition of winners huh !! i can see why you are a group of angry bitter people...enjoy your evening and especially sat !!!

ahem. 1990 Reds.

Saturday: 24-10, good guys
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SloopyHangOn;1764911; said:
I hope this doesn't count as bashing but I would put $100 dollars down that Chimdi gets caught not looking back at the ball at least once.

Not bashing, thats something likely to happen due to the amount of balls thrown downfield. Happens, I'll take a 15 yard PI call over a 40 yard, momentum gaining completion any day of the week.

According to my ABC affiliate site, the ABC game is...wait for it...Iowa St/Iowa.


So, I'll get OSU on ESPN, which is preferable. Just don't get why Iowa/Iowa St is a better choice than OSU/Miami. In my opinion this should have been a night game anyway, but whatever, It'll be rocking either way!!!


And can we drop the 'cane4life' rebuttals? He's banned, didn't bring anything of enjoyment to the table, and the fact that his idiot responses have been ended makes it worthless to point out his obvious idiocy.

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Gentlemen, we shant be concerned with Miami fans nor the state of Florida; it'll be underwater before we know it...:paranoid:

On a serious note and aside from the thorough intellectual beatdown this kid got tonight, my favorite was the few posts that mentioned those big, fat, slow, kids from Wisconsin and that ass whoopin' they dished out last year. Kid had nothing.
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bukIpower;1764909; said:
You fuck wad you BRING UP our loses to TWO damn SEC teams. You obviously feel because your team is in the South that you have some sort of speed advantage.

Someone ban this guy. You're some peice of work guy. Since when has this become a geographic battle? This isn't the confederation vs America dip shit. What's troubling one state should concern you no matter where the FUCK you are. Great American you are buddy to all the sudden try to reason your retarded aimless thoughts by bringing up another states ECONOMY!

When you fill your 50k seat stadium a few times, win 6 straight ACC titles, and get the opportunity to play in 8 BCS bowls in the last 9 years come talk at the big boy table.

He was banned before you quoted this. And tomorrow morning, consider the decaf. :wink2:
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