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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

I have been reading this all night and have been laughing my ass off:rofl:. Can't wait for this game. Also, I'll take a few PI's down field than give up a potential big gain/td. I don't see it happening often though, our D-Line will be on the QB before he has a chance to look that far down field. Pryor is going to have a huge game and Herron and Saine will combine for 150yds on the ground easily. OSU 28 sUM south 13. :oh:
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cane4life;1764890; said:
...please show where i said that.... yes moron Tressel led teams have given up 38 and 41 points .....it is not unreasonable to see us get into the 30's...but the fact that I stated this you feel justifies all the personal attacks !! i mean i could talk about the wonderful state of ohio's economy, why no one wants to employ american workers because of their over developed sense of entitlement( kinda like what has been displayed here) but why bother.....why is it no pro team from your state has won a title in over what 40 years ? and OSU has won 1 title in 40 years...yes great tradition of winners huh !! i can see why you are a group of angry bitter people...enjoy your evening and especially sat !!!
I believe the Reds wont the world series in 1975, 1976, and 1990! Dumb ass!
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True story. Last fall, I dated a Miami grad who surprisingly was also an actual fan. We were in Fort Lauderdale on vacation and she insisted that we go to visit the campus. A number of things struck me about it:

First, the campus sucks. Imagine Columbus State with palm trees, and that's about what the buildings look like. Nothing there says "great university", like walking on campus at any Big Ten school, like OSU, Indiana, Northwestern, etc.

Second, the girls were not hot. I saw exactly ONE real head turner, and we were walking around while classes were changing, so students were everywhere. The Oval in Spring > Da U, by far. Hell, BGSU > Da U. *shudder* No wonder Miami players spend their time in clubs rather than on campus.

Third, it was the Friday before a game and NO ONE on campus was wearing "U" gear. We went into the campus bookstore, and there were maybe one or two students looking through the various t-shirts and so on. I mean, if I didn't know what campus I was on, there'd have been no way to know. Again, drop a person randomly into the middle of a Big Ten school on a Fall Friday and it's going to be obvious where you are just based on what people are wearing.

So that pretty much sums it up. Ugly campus, ugly girls, zero student fan support. It's simply not a real college football program atmosphere; just a bunch of mercenaries biding their time playing in the minors in front of a handful of t-shirt alumni until Sunday ball comes calling. No amount of winning (or losing) is ever going to change that.
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cane4life;1764844; said:
um wheere ddd i ever say that i belived you had some specail d....i still think neither team has proven anything this year.... except that a ton of people talk shit here... which has been proven over and over again...nothing in the above text was even close to all the trash this board says about miami...

You sir, are a fucking clown.

Nothing you've said in this ENTIRE THREAD makes any sense. Get a goddamn education. Is the key to the right of the M on your keyboard broken? How about your shift key? It would go a long way to not have to decipher everything you post with a damn abacus to understand it. Grammar. Punctuation. Learn it. Or don't they teach that at Miami (FL)?

As for your other OUTRAGEOUS claims:
Jacory Harris will throw 40 times a game, for over 350 yards: You DO realize that this means they're probably one dimensional, meaning they probably have a negative number under RUSHING on the scoreboard, right? It's incredibly important to run the ball on the road. It may rain in CBUS on Saturday, too. You've got a better chance of being struck by lightning twice while on your way to cash a lottery ticket than seeing Harris throw for 350 yards on a defense that returns damn near everyone, and was in the top 10 in every defensive statistical category in 2009.
Jacory Harris and Miami will win because he's a winner: I've got news for you, cheif. EVERY SINGLE ATHLETE SUITED UP SATURDAY IS A WINNER. Less than 2% of all high school athletes get a college scholarship, and less than .5% of those are Division I scholarship. Considering that all of the athletes on the field Saturday afternoon are playing for Miami and Ohio State, two stellar athletic programs, I think it's safe to say that they've all experienced a fair amount of success. By the way, Terrelle won Football AND Basketball state championships when he was a senior at Jeannette. I guess that makes him the bigger winner. Oh, and he was the Rose Bowl MVP, after Ohio State cockstomped a heavily favored Oregon team.
Miami's tight end will "crack block" Tyler Moeller: Tyler Moeller has a fucking steel plate in his head, eats babies for breakfast, and shits Fettucini Alfredo. I don't care if Jeremy Shockey comes back and plays for the U, Moeller's getting his licks in.

It really makes you appreciate the Okie State, Texas, and LSU people who came to this board. Everything was civil, and it really made you realize there are people on the other sideline, just as passionate, AND EDUCATED as you are. Made for GREAT conversation. Unfortunately, the Miami people are far and few between. So when you're in second hour tomorrow in Keyboarding, and you log on to read my post, try to remember what your home room English teacher taught you. Hell, I'd rep you if you came back and talked shit with a comma and a capitalized word at the beginning of a sentence. I won't hold my breath though.
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I'm really dissapointed I missed all the fun tonight. :biggrin:

I'm really gonna miss him, he taught me so much about football, and life:sad2:.

This game is going to be a beatdown of epic proportions:box:. Not to sound like a Buckeye Homer, but I like our line play in this game as a significant difference. If (and I mean If) this does happen, I had an interesting thought.

Given The Vest's seemingly newfound killer instinct, does he run up the score on Da U, IF that opportunity would present itself?

I think he's acutely aware of what has been said and said and said by U fans and ESPiN. Maybe it's just me, but I think The Vest is out for blood this season. I feel bad for anyone who runs into the buzzsaw that this team will be with a coach of Tressel's caliber bent on making a statement. I do love the smell of napalm in the morning :evil:

I realize that this is a little Buckeye flamerish, and apologize to any respectful U fans that may be here. I have faith the players won't be as cocky as I am and in all likelihood, this will be a close hard fought game. Just getting excited!


That, and I'm having way too much fun with the smilies...cut me some slack though, it's 4:30 in the morning.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYfLTyN_dCA"]YouTube - Miami Hurricanes vs Florida A&M UM-FAMU 2010[/ame]

these clowns are in for a rude awakening, I know those are Miami highlights, but A&M looks like one of the worst college football teams I have seen in a long, long time

A&M, for some unknown reason, kept trying to run delayed handoffs on the edge and Miami used their amazing southern speed to run them down over and over

I seriously, seriously doubt that they will be able to handle a power run game up the middle led by Browning, Boren, Brewster and Boren
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SloopyHangOn;1764918; said:


Drubuck;1764932; said:
I have been reading this all night and have been laughing my ass off:rofl:. Can't wait for this game. Also, I'll take a few PI's down field than give up a potential big gain/td. I don't see it happening often though, our D-Line will be on the QB before he has a chance to look that far down field. Pryor is going to have a huge game and Herron and Saine will combine for 150yds on the ground easily. OSU 28 sUM south 13. :oh:


buckeye78;1764947; said:
I'm really dissapointed I missed all the fun tonight. :biggrin:

I'm really gonna miss him, he taught me so much about football, and life:sad2:.

This game is going to be a beatdown of epic proportions:box:. Not to sound like a Buckeye Homer, but I like our line play in this game as a significant difference. If (and I mean If) this does happen, I had an interesting thought.

Given The Vest's seemingly newfound killer instinct, does he run up the score on Da U, IF that opportunity would present itself?

I think he's acutely aware of what has been said and said and said by U fans and ESPiN. Maybe it's just me, but I think The Vest is out for blood this season. I feel bad for anyone who runs into the buzzsaw that this team will be with a coach of Tressel's caliber bent on making a statement. I do love the smell of napalm in the morning :evil:

I realize that this is a little Buckeye flamerish, and apologize to any respectful U fans that may be here. I have faith the players won't be as cocky as I am and in all likelihood, this will be a close hard fought game. Just getting excited!


That, and I'm having way too much fun with the smilies...cut me some slack though, it's 4:30 in the morning.


Can't leave em hangin'!! It's game week!!!
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