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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

cane4life;1764758; said:
wtf...u gave up 41 to fl and 38 to lsu why would i need to keep trying....i think the reason osu has good defensive numbers every year is the big ten doesn't have very explosive offenses to begin with....cause when the weather sucks you need to grind the ball....so in the last few years i haven't seen some awesome defensive machine here when u play talented teams outside the big ten...

Well let's look at the numbers....points scored by the opponents per game

OSU 26.5 Miami 28.4
(If we take out New Mexico St., a warm weather team by the way OSU's average opponents scoring average jumps up to 27.8 points a game.) Hardly a huge difference and disproves your point.

How did those defense do against these offenses? OSU held their opponents to 14 points below their average with 3 shutouts and only one team (Iowa) scored more than their average against OSU.

Miami held their opponents to 6.2 points below their average with no shutouts and 4 opponents scored more than their average against Miami (Florida State, Clemson, Wake Forest, and North Carolina).....

Not bad for a team that plays in the slow plodding Big Ten....
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Cornerback6;1764882; said:
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cane4life again." ...all together now.

And to think, I was patient, hoping and praying we could FINALLY get a non-miserable, somewhat-educated Canes fan to talk quality football. Really helps you appreciate the EngineerHorn's & BigWoof's out there.

Not to mention wolverinemike and zwem and methomps....

There are quite a few GOOD posters who are very appreciated on this forum.
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Cornerback6;1764882; said:
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cane4life again." ...all together now.

And to think, I was patient, hoping and praying we could FINALLY get a non-miserable, somewhat-educated Canes fan to talk quality football. Really helps you appreciate the EngineerHorn's & BigWoof's out there.
There were hundreds who had the same thought before tonight.

I guess we'll have to offer Texas big money in the next round of expansion if we're going to return to those levels of discourse.
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cane4life;1764878; said:
awww. i am sorry... since all you have is the suckeyes to root for anyone that doesn't worship them is a troll huh??? those 2 games are brought up cuase you keep bringing up anything other then this years defense... and the truth is you don't know how good they are anymore then I do..... you wanted to play the Marshall is better the A&M card, and i pointed aou out starters only played 1 1/2 quarters... but that both performances don't mean shit.... you seem yo think your D performance against marshall proves how amazing you are and ours means nothing.... news flash THEY DONT MEAN SHIT... NEITHER OF THEM !!!
SO just what the fuck are we supposed to talk about then? It's all conjecture. :lol:

And "suckeyes"? Are you 15? I guess I'll just refer to you fellas as "thuggaloes" then...:
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!

I don't post often but you can take that fucking quitter lebron and enjoy your NBA team...the franchise of unparalleled relevance...since July 2010.

As for the Canes...unbelievable run with 5 NCs in 20 years. What a shame that such a success is enjoyed by such an obnoxious fan base. By the way, Luther campbell is a douche.
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you guys struggled with SEC teams
...please show where i said that.... yes moron Tressel led teams have given up 38 and 41 points .....it is not unreasonable to see us get into the 30's...but the fact that I stated this you feel justifies all the personal attacks !! i mean i could talk about the wonderful state of ohio's economy, why no one wants to employ american workers because of their over developed sense of entitlement( kinda like what has been displayed here) but why bother.....why is it no pro team from your state has won a title in over what 40 years ? and OSU has won 1 title in 40 years...yes great tradition of winners huh !! i can see why you are a group of angry bitter people...enjoy your evening and especially sat !!!
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BuckeyeMike80;1764885; said:
Not to mention wolverinemike and zwem and methomps....

There are quite a few GOOD posters who are very appreciated on this forum.
There were tons of quality horn fans, with some exemplary ones like High Lonesome & EngineerHorn. Even the mediocre ones could talk football, and the trolls were few and far between. But most of all, we had dozens upon dozens on here every day.

The Oklahoma State fanbase brought over a ton as well, and LSU had their fair share.

The last three years have left us with maybe a half dozen USC & Miami visitors combined, and none that could have a civilized discussion.

I was hoping games like Florida & USC would be the exception in visiting fanbases :(
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cane4life;1764890; said:
...please show where i said that.... yes moron Tressel led teams have given up 38 and 41 points .....it is not unreasonable to see us get into the 30's...but the fact that I stated this you feel justifies all the personal attacks !! i mean i could talk about the wonderful state of ohio's economy, why no one wants to employ american workers because of their over developed sense of entitlement( kinda like what has been displayed here) but why bother.....why is it no pro team from your state has won a title in over what 40 years ? and OSU has won 1 title in 40 years...yes great tradition of winners huh !! i can see why you are a group of angry bitter people...enjoy your evening and especially sat !!!
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cane4life;1764894; said:
oh yeah .. cryami is any different? i haven't started any of this shit.... but can paly along as well as the next fella if that is how you want to go....
No, you won't anymore. You set the standard for what kind of ignorance most Miami fans resort to, and promised that you were not like that. It seems fitting that your exit is not only your own doing, but by your own standards.
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cane4life;1764894; said:
oh yeah .. cryami is any different? i haven't started any of this shit.... but can paly along as well as the next fella if that is how you want to go....

And he now has some nice parting gifts.
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cane4life;1764894; said:
oh yeah .. cryami is any different? i haven't started any of this shit.... but can paly along as well as the next fella if that is how you want to go....
I've always wondered...what exactly is the point in spending hours on an opposing fan's message board engaged in pissing match? You don't like it here and you aren't going to change our opinion, why stay? Fucking ponderous.
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On topic, anyone confused with the ESPN/ABC deal with this game?

They said a few days ago that it would be simulcast on ABC/ESPN across the country with the OK/Fla St game. Will this be a regional deal, like ABC in the midwest and ESPN everywhere else, or is this an ESPN game?

It wouldn't make sense for Northwest Indiana's ABC affiliates to carry the Oklahoma game and not the OSU game, unless thats the way it was set up.

Just wondering because last time they did a simulcast deal, my ABC affiliate carried a Purdue game, but I missed the first 10 minutes of the OSU game because it was "blacked out" due to being broadcast on locals. They always seem to lag a few minutes, then ESPN will kick on.
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