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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

It's no sin to think you're going to score, but it's just not LOGICAL to expect so many points/yards on Miami's behalf. We have no problem that you think you're going to win, because afterall I'm sure ALL of us expect the bucks to win. You're just not showing any common sense here regaurding trends or past experiences.
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cane4life;1764844; said:
um wheere ddd i ever say that i belived you had some specail d....i still think neither team has proven anything this year.... except that a ton of people talk shit here... which has been proven over and over again...nothing in the above text was even close to all the trash this board says about miami...

Holy fuck, could you at least run a fucking spellcheck?

My god, it isn't that hard to write readable posts, just fucking glance at it before you submit.

So, you're accusing a group of people on a fan site, in a sub forum dedicated to their favorite teams football program, in a thread dedicated to an upcoming game, of talking shit? Um, yeah. Ok.
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cane4life;1764844; said:
um wheere ddd i ever say that i belived you had some specail d....i still think neither team has proven anything this year.... except that a ton of people talk shit here... which has been proven over and over again...nothing in the above text was even close to all the trash this board says about miami...
you claimed you weren't one of the trolls who resorts to 'osu is overrated and gets blown out in big games'

and then proceeded to blast OSU for being overrated (on defense) and getting blown out in big games...

In a discussion about how OSU has performed over an entire decade, you kept turning the discussion back to only two games... and then let your true colors show with that last outburst.
cane4life;1764830; said:
never said that... or that i am sure will will win... i do see us being able to score( which apparently is a sin around here) and a higher scoring game then people think... hell i also don't think that if we win that means we are back... cause it remains to be seen how good either team is.... to me neither team has proven shit this year... and last year, 3 years or 10 years ago is irrelevant!!!...but posters here seem to only feel their opinions are right... and that OSU is some dynastic team....they aren't!!! and we have not proven we are close to that yet.....
Wait, if 3-4 years ago is irrelevant, then why do you keep harping on OSU's 06 & 07 NC performances, let alone glossing right over the years after that (especially the one with the same basic personnel)?

See why we're getting frustrated with your double standards?
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!

im guessing we will never see you again after saturday

you know, after Duh U crashes and burns
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!
Yeah, clearly you aren't one of those Miami trolls you ridiculed when you came here, you are a quality contributor that enhances the level of discourse.
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!

Translated from dumbassese:

I realize I am in over my head when it comes to intelligent discussion here. Therefore I will shoot as low as I can go and hope I get banned so I can brag to my other dipshit friends that I got banned from a Buckeye board. My various attempts at feigning Xs and Os intelligence got smashed back into my face so I really have nothing left to say. Please, have mercy on my dumb ass and ban me.
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!
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cane4life;1764818; said:
that's why we played our starters 1 1/2 quarters... u had to play 3 quarters against the HERD !!! great win....

Maybe because the OSU starters could play for three quarters...when the 4th comes and the U players can't stop the Buckeye running game I'll remember this post above all the other completely fucking ignorant posts you've made.
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n a discussion about how OSU has performed over an entire decade

who was having this discussion ? not I...basically it comes down to this... you seem think anyone who doesn't think osu has the best D ever and will blow out all opponents is fall of shit and just constantly talk crap...you guys started all the crap... how good you were cause of the marshall game... how good you were cause of last years rose bowl... cause of 2 years agos team...i have said all along we haven't proven shit... but we get a chance too on sat...but even that won't tell me all that cause i won't know how good you are till later in the year!
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cane4life;1764851; said:
please quote where i said you were over rated... wow now you have to make up shit cause you have no point!!!
You sarcastically used the word 'vaunted' in a derisive manner. It's an obvious synonym to overrated.

I've held your hand three times to show you how you're making a liar out of yourself, but I'm not sure what the point is at this point.

You keep spewing hateful flames in one post and then claim that you were here to talk football in the others. It's incredibly self-defeating.

Any possible chance you had of deluding yourself into thinking it was an 'us' problem went out the door when you found a new low with the suckeyes term.
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!

typical cane "fan"....going to the Lebron smack.

Hell the Heat might break all merchandising records this year because of all the damned bandwaggoners in Florida.
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