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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!

Hello typical Miami fan. Did you flash da u at the monitor after typing that? :lol:
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Wow, you are really something
cane4life;1764859; said:
who was having this discussion ? not I...
YOu directly quoted and responded to a post about how often someone has done that in a decade.

In your increasingly antagonistic approach, you sidestepped the obvious trends and wanted everyone to focus on how badly the defense sucked in 2 of those 120+ games.
basically it comes down to this... you seem think anyone who doesn't think osu has the best D ever and will blow out all opponents is fall of shit and just constantly talk crap
No we don't, but it doesn't surprise me that you're resorting to ridiculous exaggerations.

...you guys started all the crap... how good you were cause of the marshall game... how good you were cause of last years rose bowl... cause of 2 years agos team...i have said all along we haven't proven shit... but we get a chance too on sat...but even that won't tell me all that cause i won't know how good you are till later in the year!
And yet that standard didn't stop you from trotting out the bad performances....

over, and over, and over...

which makes your 'the past is irrelevant' schtick just hilariously hypocritical.
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Yeah, clearly you aren't one of those Miami trolls you ridiculed when you came here, you are a quality contributor that enhances the level of discourse

umm wow.. that's funny probabley 90% of all post in this thread are by you guys just talking shit....i can't really enhance shit !!! yet I am the troll... that's funny
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Your argument is so shit that you bring fucking Lebron up? Man, you got us right where you wanted us! Gave you a great opportunity to mention how Miami is living off of Ohio's sloppy seconds.

But, lets not talk football, because your hick ass got fucking annihilated in the previous pages. Fucking dumbass douche. Didn't have a single USC fan do this shit last year. Go do what you need to so you can be ready to watch the game. And good luck on coming back here again, go ahead and celebrate with your friends when you get banned. You quite literally made it incredibly clear that you have the IQ of a turtle. Moron.
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cane4life;1764850; said:
U HAVE NO POINT!!!... MUST BE FUN TO BE A SUCKEYE FAN....HELL EVEN LEBRON LEFT YOUR STATE...and thats where he is from.....hope its a great game sat...can't wait to here the excuses when u lose!!!

Quality X's and O's talk right here folks. They don't call him the best color man in the business for nothing.
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cane4life;1764870; said:
umm wow.. that's funny probabley 90% of all post in this thread are by you guys just talking shit....i can't really enhance shit !!! yet I am the troll... that's funny
You got called out by your own miami fan for trolling, and by a guy who is a well-known instigator and likes to get people's goat.
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When you go into a guests house do you insult them and tell them your house is better than their house?

You're on a Buckeye message board and yet you're amazed that you're being attacked for your stance on the game. You claim your team is going to do what no team has done to a Tressel Lead team, and back up your claims with "we have more NFL talent" and "you guys struggled with SEC teams"

When you come onto a opposing teams message board as long as you respectfully state opinions there's usually not problems. However, if you state crazy expectations then you'll get what you've got tonight.
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Hello typical Miami fan. Did you flash da u at the monitor after typing that?

awww. i am sorry... since all you have is the suckeyes to root for anyone that doesn't worship them is a troll huh??? those 2 games are brought up cuase you keep bringing up anything other then this years defense... and the truth is you don't know how good they are anymore then I do..... you wanted to play the Marshall is better the A&M card, and i pointed aou out starters only played 1 1/2 quarters... but that both performances don't mean shit.... you seem yo think your D performance against marshall proves how amazing you are and ours means nothing.... news flash THEY DONT MEAN SHIT... NEITHER OF THEM !!!
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cane4life;1764859; said:
n a discussion about how OSU has performed over an entire decade
who was having this discussion ? not I
In what I hope is the last time I have to read your own words to you

cane4life;1764715; said:
I think it's 6 times in Tressel's 10 years. It may be slightly more, but it's about 6. Given up 40 once.
can think of 2 of the biggest games of trassel's career... where you guys gave up 38 and 41...
This is a message board. When you quote someone, it means you are responding to them.

You clearly understood this, as seen by your response, which was the first in a long line of shots at OSU's defense sucking. They started out mild and progressively got worse, and you've been straight up flaming for the last dozen posts while claiming you're not.

But please, keep posting things in direct opposition to what you post. It's about the only thing you have left going for you at this point.

Case in point
awww. i am sorry... since all you have is the suckeyes to root for anyone that doesn't worship them is a troll huh???
Yeah, clearly you're not trolling in this or many other posts.
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cane4life;1764878; said:
awww. i am sorry... since all you have is the suckeyes to root for anyone that doesn't worship them is a troll huh??? those 2 games are brought up cuase you keep bringing up anything other then this years defense... and the truth is you don't know how good they are anymore then I do..... you wanted to play the Marshall is better the A&M card, and i pointed aou out starters only played 1 1/2 quarters... but that both performances don't mean shit.... you seem yo think your D performance against marshall proves how amazing you are and ours means nothing.... news flash THEY DONT MEAN SHIT... NEITHER OF THEM !!!

So is it possible to win a game kicking only field goals while the other team scores only touchdowns?
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holybuckeye33;1764872; said:
Quality X's and O's talk right here folks. They don't call him the best color man in the business for nothing.
...and "suckeyes"? Holy crap! Points for originality there...

cane4life, two things happened here tonight:

1. You came here claiming to want football discussion, but the extent of your "football discussion" was saying your QB was going to throw for an unheard of amount of yards in these parts and your entire rationale was that a.) we haven't seen an uptempo offense (we have, over and over and over again) and b.) we got blown out in two title games 3 and 4 years ago (and you cited the mythical speed argument which was totally invalid in one of the games).

2. You got called on that silliness and quickly morphed into exactly what we've come to expect from your fanbase when you couldn't offer up anything more than the above.

Everybody is a little testy with your fans around here because we've seen nothing but smack. When you slip in little jabs and offer up outlandish predictions sans reasonable reasoning, you're gonna get hammered. You say you want X & O talk, unfortunately, it appears you that isn't one of your strengths. Take your leave before you further the stereotype...
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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cane4life again." ...all together now.

And to think, I was patient, hoping and praying we could FINALLY get a non-miserable, somewhat-educated Canes fan to talk quality football. Really helps you appreciate the EngineerHorn's & BigWoof's out there.
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