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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

cane4life;1764818; said:
that's why we played our starters 1 1/2 quarters... u had to play 3 quarters against the HERD !!! great win....

It was 35 to 7 at half. We didn't "have" to play our starters. We chose to. JT let pryor bring us out for the first drive of the second half. It's always good to go through a halftime of adjustments and then run a series. Then next time we got the ball it was inside the 10. JT isn't throwing a backup in there at the 4 yard line midway through the 3rd.
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where is this world beater attitude coming from?

never said that... or that i am sure will will win... i do see us being able to score( which apparently is a sin around here) and a higher scoring game then people think... hell i also don't think that if we win that means we are back... cause it remains to be seen how good either team is.... to me neither team has proven shit this year... and last year, 3 years or 10 years ago is irrelevant!!!...but posters here seem to only feel their opinions are right... and that OSU is some dynastic team....they aren't!!! and we have not proven we are close to that yet.....
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cane4life;1764818; said:
that's why we played our starters 1 1/2 quarters... u had to play 3 quarters against the HERD !!! great win....

Not counting starters, Ohio State played 49 back ups. Proof
Miami, not counting starts played 38 back ups. Proof

You fail again. Difference being, Ohio State rotated it's 2nd team in as early as the 1st Q. Miami, apparently, waited until the middle of the second.
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cane4life;1764818; said:
that's why we played our starters 1 1/2 quarters... u had to play 3 quarters against the HERD !!! great win....

We didn't HAVE to do anyting against Marshall. To be honest I was shocked to see Pryor in the game in the 4th quarter, but honestly Who will be better prepared now going into this game!? Starters who got 3 quarters of work against a team that was semi talented or Starters who were done by halftime against a team that posed NO threat whatsoever to challenge them on any given play.

We were up 35-7 at the half with their points coming off of a blocked field goal. Miami was up 35-0 at the Half. We could've rested the starters as Miami did THEN, but decided to give them some more looks which will help them this saturday. Not to mention how is Miami going to react when a team actually has a fighting chance?
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cane4life;1764811; said:
we have more nfl calibre talent on our team then you do... that's why
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1764762; said:
That's not talking Xs and Os.. that's making bold statements as if your stating some kind of fact.

I watched every Miami game last year and some multiple times. Our receivers seperation was impressive. the problem was Jacory was always looking to go deep. Defensively, we are fast, but way too many mental errors and that comes with youth.

Watch some film... what the [censored] does that even mean. Dude, I watch as much football as anyone, but I'm not breaking down film. That's why I'm asking you what is so impressive about this "speed" you keep talking about.

Uh huh... like I said... Texas. :yawn: I suppose if you buy the Ohio State can't match the speed bull[censored], your position seems self evident. It's still not talking football. It's actually pretty sill to think Miami's going to win because they have "football speed" (undefined) and "run a no huddle" which they have limited film on.

You win in the trenches no doubt. Scheme and speed is nice, but it all starts up front.
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cane4life;1764830; said:
never said that... or that i am sure will will win... i do see us being able to score( which apparently is a sin around here) and a higher scoring game then people think... hell i also don't think that if we win that means we are back... cause it remains to be seen how good either team is.... to me neither team has proven [censored] this year... and last year, 3 years or 10 years ago is irrelevant!!!...but posters here seem to only feel their opinions are right... and that OSU is some dynastic team....they aren't!!! and we have not proven we are close to that yet.....

Miami hasent proven shit in near a decade, thats the point

they especially havent proven they can win on the road against even a decent team under Randy Shannon (theyve lost big against the good ones every time)

you myopic cane fans are riding a sense of false confidence

its going to come crashing down to earth for you in a couple of days
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cane4life;1764811; said:
we have more nfl calibre talent on our team then you do... that's why
Considering you've admitted and shown that you know little to nothing about OSU's LBs & secondary, that's a pretty convincing argument.

Especially because speed, NFL talent & schemes were the lazy catch phrases used 8 years ago.
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Originally Posted by cane4life
ummm no... just constant [censored] talking by most of the tards here.... sure there are plenty of U tards as well...all good.... i can't imagine anyone actually showing up to play you guys the way this board talks about their team.... amazing !!!

Sorry, you started out pretending that you didn't think that way and criticized fans who did:
Originally Posted by cane4life
I mean if I thought u guys were over rated typical big ten team that chokes in the big games i wouldn't even be here

but as we went along, it started seeping out in your tone
Originally Posted by cane4life
can think of 2 of the biggest games of trassel's career... where you guys gave up 38 and 41...

Then a little bit more...
Originally Posted by cane4life
wtf...u gave up 41 to fl and 38 to lsu why would i need to keep trying....i think the reason osu has good defensive numbers every year is the big ten doesn't have very explosive offenses to begin with....cause when the weather sucks you need to grind the ball....so in the last few years i haven't seen some awesome defensive machine here when u play talented teams outside the big ten...

And then you went with EXACTLY the kind of trash you promised you didn't believe
Originally Posted by cane4life
you r vaunted D has not been so special the last few years.... otherwise why did you get blown out in two title games!!!

um wheere ddd i ever say that i belived you had some specail d....i still think neither team has proven anything this year.... except that a ton of people talk shit here... which has been proven over and over again...nothing in the above text was even close to all the trash this board says about miami...
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cane4life;1764844; said:
um wheere ddd i ever say that i belived you had some specail d....i still think neither team has proven anything this year.... except that a ton of people talk [censored] here... which has been proven over and over again...nothing in the above text was even close to all the trash this board says about miami...

you expected to come here and act like the typical Cryami fan (douchebag) and receive a warm welcome?
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