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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

xcrunner;1765048; said:
Don't look at BP for one frickin' day and this is what I miss :shake:

Like a stray dog that hangs around your property. You keep an eye on him knowing that some day you're going to have to shoot him. Then you go out of town one day and come back to see a shallow grave in the front yard of the big house on the hill and you know that you'll never see that stray dog again.

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:lol: @ this thread from last night

cane4life;1764561; said:
if we lose, then we lose...as long as we play hard and smart.. thats fine.... it has been a while sense we have been relevant in CFB

Man, o, man.. it's great to be a Buckeye.. in my 23 years on this planet.. I've never known that feeling. My old man has never known that feeling and my Grandfather was enrolled when Woody took over. My family, 3 generations, has never seen the Buckeyes become irrelevant.
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CHU;1765105; said:
Has Ohio State ever won with LeBron on the sidelines?

The only game I can recall he even attended is the Penn State game in 2008.

My brother never forgave him that night as he was wearing blue :paranoid:

Hopefully Tressel doesn't give him a sideline pass.
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LeBron James will be at Saturdays game

According to TP, Lebron James will be at Saturdays game. Lets give that traitor the loud and unpleasant reception he deserves and show the prospective recruits what happens if they turn their back on the buckeyes and Ohio!

Boooooooooooooo LeBron.

He will probably be wearing a 'U' hat anyways.
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thechef65;1765127; said:
According to TP, Lebron James will be at Saturdays game. Lets give that traitor the loud and unpleasant reception he deserves and show the prospective recruits what total asses you can be.

Boooooooooooooo LeBron.

He will probably be wearing a 'U' hat anyways.
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thechef65;1765127; said:
According to TP, Lebron James will be at Saturdays game. Lets give that traitor the loud and unpleasant reception he deserves and show the prospective recruits what happens if they turn their back on the buckeyes and Ohio!

Boooooooooooooo LeBron.

He will probably be wearing a 'U' hat anyways.
Eh, not the right message to send to new recruits, IMHO.
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thechef65;1765127; said:
According to TP, Lebron James will be at Saturdays game. Lets give that traitor the loud and unpleasant reception he deserves and show the prospective recruits what happens if they turn their back on the buckeyes and Ohio!

Boooooooooooooo LeBron.

He will probably be wearing a 'U' hat anyways.

I guess you just ignored the part where TP implored OSU fans not to boo him? Like it or not, he is a big OSU fan. Get over it. This is an Ohio State game, not a Cavs game.
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Bleed S & G;1765116; said:
:lol: @ this thread from last night

Man, o, man.. it's great to be a Buckeye.. in my 23 years on this planet.. I've never known that feeling. My old man has never known that feeling and my Grandfather was enrolled when Woody took over. My family, 3 generations, has never seen the Buckeyes become irrelevant.
'99-'01 was a rough patch (even though '01 had a definite sense of optimism for the future), but nothing like what Cryami or ND has gone through. Miami has really only been relevent on the national scene for 4 (2000-2003) of the past 15 years. There were some decent-good years sprinkled in, but they only had those 4 years where they finished in the top-10. With their recruiting base and supposed "tradition", that's actually pretty pathetic.
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Colvinnl;1765133; said:
I guess you just ignored the part where TP implored OSU fans not to boo him? Like it or not, he is a big OSU fan. Get over it. This is an Ohio State game, not a Cavs game.

Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!
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