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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

thechef65;1765140; said:
Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!
Yikes. Bashing an 18 year old kid for making the choice he felt was best for him. Kudos to you, sir. :roll1:
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thechef65;1765140; said:
Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!

He has always been an OSU fan, this is nothing new. Why do you think our basketball team's jerseys are his brand? Are you going to boo the entire basketball team? A vuvuzela? Really? I seriously hope you are not sitting in my section.

I am sorry, but IMHO, any OSU fan who is distracted enough by Bron's presence to boo him during the game is not a very big OSU fan in the first place and should have their priorities checked.
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Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!
I sincerely hope you are kidding. Booing LeBron James or Trey Depriest (a friggin' 17 year old!) at this game is absolutely the wrong thing to do, and its especially the wrong arena to be doing it in. Ohio State games are treasures and should not be tarnished by your bull[censored]. James can attend whatever sporting event he wants, he is an Ohio man. Frankly, I am glad he is an Ohio State fan. I never really cared for pro-basketball (and especially the Cavs) and I certainly find it awesome that he will be playing with 2 superstars. Why don't we show recruits and the rest of the world that we want people who want to be Buckeyes, and ignore those who don't.

Your suggestions are immoral and outlandish. You ought to be ashamed to even be pre-meditating those kinds of actions.
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thechef65;1765140; said:
Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!

i think you're either the guy who sat behind me my senior year at the games or a clone of him, keep up your proud tradition of making us all look like idiots and irritating everyone around you. GODSPEED GOOD SIR

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Diego-Bucks;1765152; said:
I sincerely hope you are kidding. Booing LeBron James or Trey Depriest (a friggin' 17 year old!) at this game is absolutely the wrong thing to do, and its especially the wrong arena to be doing it in. Ohio State games are treasures and should not be tarnished by your bull[censored]. James can attend whatever sporting event he wants, he is an Ohio man. Frankly, I am glad he is an Ohio State fan. I never really cared for pro-basketball (and especially the Cavs) and I certainly find it awesome that he will be playing with 2 superstars. Why don't we show recruits and the rest of the world that we want people who want to be Buckeyes, and ignore those who don't.

Your suggestions are immoral and outlandish. You ought to be ashamed to even be pre-meditating those kinds of actions.

This ^

Tressel also says of fans upset at lebron: sore subjects need to pass

Maybe you'll be booing Coach Tress during the game too...?
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NFBuck;1765148; said:
Yikes. Bashing an 18 year old kid for making the choice he felt was best for him. Kudos to you, sir. :roll1:

Thanks. Would it be ok to be critical of an 18 year old kid that thought it was in his best interest to drink and drive? My point was that I could careless about this kid if he decides not to join OSU. If he is at Alabama and feels thats his best choice great for him, however I am not going to cheer for this guy or hope that he performs well.
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Diego-Bucks;1765152; said:
I sincerely hope you are kidding. Booing LeBron James or Trey Depriest (a friggin' 17 year old!) at this game is absolutely the wrong thing to do, and its especially the wrong arena to be doing it in. Ohio State games are treasures and should not be tarnished by your bull[censored]. James can attend whatever sporting event he wants, he is an Ohio man. Frankly, I am glad he is an Ohio State fan. I never really cared for pro-basketball (and especially the Cavs) and I certainly find it awesome that he will be playing with 2 superstars. Why don't we show recruits and the rest of the world that we want people who want to be Buckeyes, and ignore those who don't.

Your suggestions are immoral and outlandish. You ought to be ashamed to even be pre-meditating those kinds of actions.

I wouldn't go as far to say I'm proud of or want Lebron James to be an Ohio State fan. Quite frankly, I consider it an embarrassment to have a that self-involved, bandwagon jumping POS be a fan of the Buckeye football team.

But, that said, I care far too much about this game and this university to let this attention-starved whore steal my attention from what's going on down on the field.
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thechef65;1765140; said:
Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!
You're an ass that makes all of us Buckeye fans look bad.
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thechef65;1765156; said:
Thanks. Would it be ok to be critical of an 18 year old kid that thought it was in his best interest to drink and drive? My point was that I could careless about this kid if he decides not to join OSU. If he is at Alabama and feels thats his best choice great for him, however I am not going to cheer for this guy or hope that he performs well.
Picking another school and drinking and driving...nice analogy. :roll1:

..and DePriest will not be playing, so booing him is nothing more than boorish, childish behavior and a horrible example to set for tOSU fans. This behavior is the exact example of what not to do.
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thechef65;1765140; said:
Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron.
It looks like you're hellbent on ignoring everyone else too.
Either he is with us or against us.
And yet there are a lot of other choices besides worship him and make a complete fool out of yourself and the team you unfortunately will be representing. I'm not surprised that you view the world in such extremes.
I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Gay DePriest, however thats not going to happen either.
And we prefer that folks act like decent human beings on BP and follow the rules about bashing recruits (let alone with grade school immaturity), however that's not always going to happen either, so you can take a few weeks off from this website.
LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me.
Wonderful. Glad this game is about you and your juvenile antics towards Lebron and not... you know... a gigantic football game that should render any lebron silliness to the back page of the newspaper.

Brilliant work! Thanks for turning the focus back to the stupidity when ignoring him would be a far better way to stick it to someone with his approach.
Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!
Of course you will. Being brashly annoying at all costs seems to be your goal here.
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Colvinnl;1765155; said:
This ^

Tressel also says of fans upset at lebron: sore subjects need to pass

Maybe you'll be booing Coach Tress during the game too...?

Generally I dont boo Tress, however I was guilty of booing him after the horrendous play calling cost OSU the USC game last year. His poor decision was really came to light after USC's defense was exposed as so porous by several Pac 10 teams last season.
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thechef65;1765164; said:
Generally I dont boo Tress, however I was guilty of booing him after the horrendous play calling cost OSU the USC game last year. His poor decision was really came to light after USC's defense was exposed as so porous by several Pac 10 teams last season.
This thread is stupid, but now I am in the mood for some booing.

Let's get us some frowny faces for Mr. Chef, all quick-like, what say ye, good people of BP?

DBB EDIT: Deety made this comment before I merged the petulant child's thread with this one. I usually don't merge big threads, but that thread was an eyesore.
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