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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

Colvinnl;1765155; said:
Tressel also says of fans upset at lebron: sore subjects need to pass

I don't know, to me that kinda sounds like a he's saying that LeBron needs to die. Berea native Tressel feels Cleveland's pain. :susp:

Seriously though, booing for a guest on the home sideline when there's a team like Miami in the house is a complete waste/misdirection of energy. Go boo LeBron at a Cavs game, but if gets a guest pass he's a Friend of OSU on Saturday at least.
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I lived in Florida and this game has been on my calendar for over 3 years. Many of my friends claim the Hurricanes will win the game purely with speed and athleticism. Their arrogance [censored]ed me off so much I made a 300$ bet on the game. Come Saturday I want to see their jaw drops after Saine takes it up the gut for 70+ yards in the first quarter. I want to see tears from their eyes after Heyward sacks Harris for the umpteenth time in the 4th. I want to see their ears bleed after hearing "Pryor to Posey" so many times. I care about my friends well-being, but Saturday I expect to be 300$ richer with an apology in hand.

Who cares if LeBron goes to the game on Saturday?? I agree with Colvinni and Diego-Bucks, if you let this distract you from maybe the BIGGEST game of the season then you aren't that big of a Buckeye fan to begin with and you should give your ticket to someone who REALLY wants to go to the game. Also, please don't EVER even consider tarnishing the Horseshoe with those [censored]ty vuvuzelas.

This is Ohio State everyone, not Cleveland... if LeBron James shows up to the game then who gives a [censored]?!? YOUR Buckeyes need your support more than your hate for LeBron. Cheer for the Bucks, ignore LeBron.
I don't care if you boo at Lebron. I just ask two things from you: Sunday morning drink tea with lemon for your throat, and advil for the ringing ears.
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osugrad21;1764749; said:
No Sir. Do I need to color some diagrams for you? He plays a hybrid LB/SS position...he also comes hot off the edge on occasion.

That is why I was asking about your 'crack' comment...your failed comedy in the last post didn't veil your lack of thought in previous posts.

A backside TE dragging on rollout PA away...amazing concept.

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Miami Hurricanes looking for redemption against Ohio State


University of Miami quarterback Ken Dorsey sits dejected after losing the BCS National Championship game to Ohio State in double overtime during the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl at Sun Devil Stadium on Jan. 3, 2003 in Tempe, Ariz. Ohio State won the game 31-24

The memories are still painful for Ken Dorsey and his former UM teammates who played in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. They're hoping for a different outcome when the teams meet again Saturday.

Ken Dorsey had just been traded to the Cleveland Browns.

It was Day One of 2006 training camp, and the stomach of the former University of Miami quarterback great churned with excitement as he ran onto the practice field for the first time.
Little did he know.
``I was booed,'' said Dorsey, 29, now a Canadian Football League backup who said he would return to UM ``in a heartbeat'' should a coaching opportunity ever present itself. ``Those people in Ohio really love to bring that game up. After that, I was like, `Thank God you guys won. I don't know what would have happened if we had won and I had run out there.' ''
As the No. 13 Miami Hurricanes (1-0) and No. 2 Ohio State Buckeyes (1-0) prepare to meet in Columbus on Saturday for the first time since the controversial national championship game in the Jan. 3, 2003 Fiesta Bowl, the Hurricanes from that team -- and their families -- eagerly await.

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