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Game Thread Miami (FL) at tOSU, Sat Sep 11, 3:40 ET, ESPN

cane4life;1764890; said:
...please show where i said that.... yes moron Tressel led teams have given up 38 and 41 points .....it is not unreasonable to see us get into the 30's
Well, that was in 2006 and 2007, which is kind of ancient history, don't you think?

But if you insist on revisiting history, while "moron Tressel" was getting beat by national champion LSU 38-24 in the BCS title game, "genius Shannon" was losing to Virginia 48-0 and Virginia Tech 44-14. So using your "logic", it is not unreasonable to see Ohio State get into the 40's on Saturday....

If you want more recent history, how about last year giving up 33 points to an 8-5 North Carolina team that averaged 20 points per game against FBS competiton? Or 40 points to a 9-5 Clemson squad? Or 34 points to a 7-6 Florida State team? Or getting hammered 31-7 by Virginia Tech? That one was a real gem....

Meanwhile, Ohio State didn't give up more than 27 points in any single game last year, held opponents under 20 points ten times ... to 10 points or less six times ... and posted three shutouts. But, yeah, the mighty mighty Canes will get into the 30's ... sure thing, Zippy.

Have all of the Oregon fans from last year suddenly become Miami fans? Because I'm not seeing much of a difference....
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thechef65;1765140; said:
Yeah, I ignored TP's request not to boo LeBron. Either he is with us or against us. I am sure that Braxton would prefer buckeye fans not booing Trey DePriest, however thats not going to happen either. LeBron is an OSU fan now because he wants to do anything he can to rebuild a positive image in Ohio. I dont care what the venue is....LeBron is going to be booed by me. Also, I will be bringing my vuvuzela to the game!

Damn... some record quick bans lately. NTTIAWWT.
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Thanks. Would it be ok to be critical of an 18 year old kid that thought it was in his best interest to drink and drive?

Congrats sir, only my wife has been able to say things like this to make me stop dead in my tracks and wonder if you are serious are just totally off your damn rocker... Continuance of your posting points to being totally off your rocker. So again, congrats you are in rare company!
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1765218; said:


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The Horseshoe is hardly hostile – Miami Hurricanes – Sun-Sentinel

Let?s be bluntly honest: The Horseshoe is over glamorized. It isn?t intimidating. Nor is it much of a hostile environment.
Yes, it?s an impressively large stadium. And yes, it?s full of rich tradition ? the dotting of the ?I? is pretty cool.
But it?s not exactly a daunting place to play. The only reason ?Canes players kept getting asked about it Tuesday, I suspect, is because it seats more than 105,000 (so yeah, there are more available voices to yell). But the Big House in Ann Arbor seats six digits, too. And that?s no house of horrors for opponents either.
The Horseshoe doesn?t come close to The Swamp in Gainesville or Neyland Stadium in Knoxville or a night game at LSU. Those places create a home-field advantage that makes a difference. In conference, Virginia Tech and Clemson are tougher places to play than The Horseshoe. FSU, for a Miami game, is too.

Awful writing. Uninformed. Stupid.
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