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Game Thread Marshall vs tOSU, Thursday Sep 2, 7:30 pm ET, BTN

pzimph21 on 9/19/09 said:
Is it just me or does anybody think this team is not ready anymore to be a football powerhouse? I'm getting really nervous.

pzimph21;1755621; said:
I'm gettin little anxiety here, them marshall players are talkin a big game. just watched them on ABC 6. what u guys think?

pzimph21;1757097; said:
Again today the thundering herd are talking a big game. proclaiming they have a gameplan on TP, but that they know they're gonna win. What's goin on, should we be worried or is it just another fluke?

Have you ever been diagnosed with an acute anxiety disorder? I think you should look in to it. Really, you could have it, you really could. What if you did, would people think you were weird, or something? Do people think that about you? Do they all think that about you? I mean, they could all be talking about you when you're not looking, right? Is that mole on your back getting bigger? OMG, is that a bug crawling under your skin?


If you continue to post here, please be funnier.
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first of all, I just get nervous for OSU, cuz I'm a huge fan, and I get nervous because I care about them. but not at all do I panic in real life. I mean seriously I care about the team but I mean that doesn't mean I worry every second. If I was worried right now I would be in an asylum. I'm fine, I'm just nervous because I want us to win badly. So that's just the reason why.
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pzimph21;1757171; said:
first of all, I just get nervous for OSU, cuz I'm a huge fan, and I get nervous because I care about them. but not at all do I panic in real life. I mean seriously I care about the team but I mean that doesn't mean I worry every second. If I was worried right now I would be in an asylum. I'm fine, I'm just nervous because I want us to win badly. So that's just the reason why.

Just messin' with ya, dude. You could stand to dig a little deeper in your posts. I think everyone's on to the nervous thing by now. If you would expand a bit more about what parts of the team/opponent/game are cause for concern, it could lead to a more stimulating conversation.

Oh, and funny. Everybody likes funny.
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generaladm;1757199; said:
Just messin' with ya, dude. You could stand to dig a little deeper in your posts. I think everyone's on to the nervous thing by now. If you would expand a bit more about what parts of the team/opponent/game are cause for concern, it could lead to a more stimulating conversation.

Oh, and funny. Everybody likes funny.
A Priest a penguin and Thump walk into a whorehouse and they see the Marshall-tOSU game is on.....stop me if you've heard this one
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pzimph21;1757221; said:
well, the mystery on offense, they're D talkin smack, and how they have a new coach. But just the overall impact on the game. that's what I'm worried about.
Defensive "smack" talk has you worried? Seriously? What are they supposed to say, "Yeah, we suck. We'll be lucky to walk out of there with all our teeth." or the like?

I don't know what the 'overall impact on the game' means.
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Just our scouting of their plays and how they run them. But ya seriously them just having a new coach who was apart of the florida staff in 2006 when we lost the title to them. that's what I'm nervous about. and don't get me wrong I know football and I know when I see an oline that marshall has, which describes all of them at 6'5 and 6'4. and not to mention their D, some of those guys are athletes. So does that answer your question?
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pzimph21;1757235; said:
Just our scouting of their plays and how they run them. But ya seriously them just having a new coach who was apart of the florida staff in 2006 when we lost the title to them. that's what I'm nervous about. and don't get me wrong I know football and I know when I see an oline that marshall has, which describes all of them at 6'5 and 6'4. and not to mention their D, some of those guys are athletes. So does that answer your question?
Not very well, frankly.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1757206; said:
I forget the rest, but your mother is a whore.


......so anyway....they see this goofy guy glance at the TV for a minute - turn - and dismissively say: "The Bucks win 68-3, Tress takes his foot off the gas in the 4th Quarter."

"How the Hell do you know that?", the Priest says.

"I'm a psychic", the goofy guys answers.

"Bull[censored]", Thump says, "I'll bet you two hundred dollars you're wrong."

Guy says, "I'll do better than that - I will read each of your minds and then announce the thing that each of you hold most dear. I will then ask you which vision belongs to you. If you tell me correctly, I will give you $200, but if you are wrong, you will die on the spot and I take your wallet!"

They think, "Easy money", ya know, so they all say "You're on!"

So the guy looks at the Priest, the penguin and Thump - stares hard in each one's face for like a minute, closes his eyes and then slowly says: "Anal sex! "Antarctic herring!" "Dead groundhogs!"

The Priest and the penguin are smiling as the guy turns to Thump and says "You go first".

Thump waits for five minutes, sweat pouring down his face and finally yells, "I'M THINKING!, I'M THINKING!!!!"

.......I'll be here all week.
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