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Game Thread Marshall vs tOSU, Thursday Sep 2, 7:30 pm ET, BTN

pzimph21;1757235; said:
Just our scouting of their plays and how they run them. But ya seriously them just having a new coach who was apart of the florida staff in 2006 when we lost the title to them. that's what I'm nervous about. and don't get me wrong I know football and I know when I see an oline that marshall has, which describes all of them at 6'5 and 6'4. and not to mention their D, some of those guys are athletes. So does that answer your question?

I think that's a legit observation. I was surprised at the physical stats listed in the game preview. Normally, in a game like this, OSU has a decided size/strength/speed advantage over the "lesser" team. Marshall matches up pretty well, measurables-wise, so it could come down to technique, talent, coaching. I'm still not nervous.
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generaladm;1757264; said:
I think that's a legit observation. I was surprised at the physical stats listed in the game preview. Normally, in a game like this, OSU has a decided size/strength/speed advantage over the "lesser" team. Marshall matches up pretty well, measurables-wise, so it could come down to technique, talent, coaching. I'm still not nervous.
Like a lot of mid level teams, their 1st team won't be embarrassed. The difference comes at the quality of depth level.
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The O-line is 6-4 and 6-5??

Troy Smith was 6-1, too.

Let's see how they look face to face with our Defensive line.

Marshall is a good opener, as long as we don't look past them. They will help us get ready for Miami better than, say, Eastern Michigan.

46 hours from now, I'm walking into the stadium. Can't wait.
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whats good party people in the house! looking forward to a great opening performance tomorrow night from pyror and company! abe has got to find himself a ticket between now and then. fuckin craigslisters are a bunch of haters i tell ya.
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Abraham Lincoln;1757690; said:
whats good party people in the house! looking forward to a great opening performance tomorrow night from pyror and company! abe has got to find himself a ticket between now and then. [censored]in craigslisters are a bunch of haters i tell ya.

I got a snake man!!!!!!!
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pzimph21;1757097; said:
Again today the thundering herd are talking a big game. proclaiming they have a gameplan on TP, but that they know they're gonna win. What's goin on, should we be worried or is it just another fluke?

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth!"
It's great that their "D" is talking smack because it will just fire up our guys, As if the Borens need extra motivation! :biggrin:
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pzimph21;1757097; said:
Again today the thundering herd are talking a big game. proclaiming they have a gameplan on TP, but that they know they're gonna win. What's goin on, should we be worried or is it just another fluke?

Overmatched athletes talking smack is never a fluke - even when it really happens.
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