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Game Thread Marshall vs tOSU, Thursday Sep 2, 7:30 pm ET, BTN

Who's betting on 300 rushing yards? Anyone thinking TP's gonna bust for 300 passing yards? Truly, is Tress going to give Cryami a real look at what's to come, giving TP and his receivers and line some game experience.....or is he going to hone the OL by having them blow Marshal off the ball and let two or three backs go over a C-note?

I must have some Harvard blood in me, because I can argue both sides of that argument, and not come to a decision.......yech. Oh yeah, also predict that the D will be stout, and Marshall won't get across our 40 until the 4th quarter.

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Parking suggestions?

So amped for this season to get started!!! Can hardly contain myself.

Heading to the game with a buddy, wanted to get the experts on here's opinion on parking... what is best options currently? Haven't been to a game recently due to being away, and was unsure the best places to park.

Thank for the advice! GO BUCKS!!!!

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BuckeyeGanoosh;1756779; said:
So amped for this season to get started!!! Can hardly contain myself.

Heading to the game with a buddy, wanted to get the experts on here's opinion on parking... what is best options currently? Haven't been to a game recently due to being away, and was unsure the best places to park.

Thank for the advice! GO BUCKS!!!!


It's different for a Thursday night game. Page 5 in this thread has the info for Marshall.

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there was an article in the dispatch about the players overlooking marshall.....does anyone here feel that kind of vibe right now? i know from the way TP has been talking to the press, he sounds 110% dedicated to beating marshall and taking care of business. i wonder if thats the same mentality the rest of the team has going into the season opener with cryami on the horizon.
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