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Game Thread Marshall vs tOSU, Thursday Sep 2, 7:30 pm ET, BTN

too bad about Chekwa and Nathan Williams. Williams will just be hungrier next week for the Hurricanes. Chekwa could have used the work, especially hearing about how wide open the Marshall offensive game plan should be.

Not too often you see a true freshman start in his first OSU game - I am thinking Hankins might get the call. Man, he might just pass out.

I hope his game goes better than Schlichter's first game (19-0 Penn State over the Bucks).

and yeah, I know there have been dozens since then.

But man, that was awful!

anyway, I'll adjust my prediction now to 41-13 (up from 41-11).

Go Bucks!
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Look for Marshall(Bowl winner) to play a solid game. This is no gimme game. I would expect a reasonable scoring game like 27-13.
No big offensive explosions. Just a good solid game.
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Taosman;1756061; said:
Look for Marshall(Bowl winner) to play a solid game. This is no gimme game. I would expect a reasonable scoring game like 27-13. No big offensive explosions. Just a good solid game.

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this is where the suspense comes in... we could have a Navy-esque squeaker, 29-26 or something, OR....

Marshall will be flinging it around, using all kinds of trickery, which leads to OSU interceptions, forced fumbles, sacks, etc. and it could get ugly.

I hope it's the latter, because then we get to see Bauserman AND Guiton in the game.
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