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Game Thread Marshall vs tOSU, Thursday Sep 2, 7:30 pm ET, BTN

BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1756386; said:
The great thing about being in CO is i dont have to wait as long to see the game! Two hours behind Ohio. :osu:

I forgot about that mountain time zone time warp. Too bad that you don't live in California, then you'd have to wait 3 hours less than the rest of us :wink: It is getting close..... Go Bucks!
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1756497; said:
Yeeeeah, you may want to revise that statement Davey

come on guys, don't you remember the Marshall coach Bob Pruett saying that either just before or just after our last game vs Marshall ?

I couldn't believe my ears back then. He made the statement, I believe, to either the Dispatch or the Huntington newspaper.

I can't believe more of you don't remember that.:evil:
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DaveyBoy;1756522; said:
come on guys, don't you remember the Marshall coach Bob Pruett saying that either just before or just after our last game vs Marshall ?

I couldn't believe my ears back then. He made the statement, I believe, to either the Dispatch or the Huntington newspaper.

I can't believe more of you don't remember that.:evil:
I think many of us have blocked out the first six weeks of 2004...
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scooter1369;1756525; said:

as bad as that season started out, I actually believe that was Tressel's best job as a head coach at OSU. The team flirted with a truly disastrous season by OSU standards, righted the ship with the removal of Zwick as the starting QB, and then opened up the offense with the Smith/Ginn/Holmes/Gonzalez show.

but looking back at the victory over Marshall that year, I thought the team was going to use that as a springboard....instead, it was a harbinger of the immediate doom to come
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Here's a story about Pruett's comments back in '04.


Marshall satisfied with Pruett's apology
By Kelly Whiteside, USA TODAY

Several times in recent seasons, Marshall coach Bob Pruett has publicly referred to opposing players as "Mandingos" or "Mandingo Warriors," terms viewed by some as racially insensitive toward African-Americans.

The latest came last week when he described Ohio State as having a "bunch of Mandingos" while talking with reporters in Huntington, W.Va.

"By all means if it was offensive to anyone, I profusely apologize," Pruett said Tuesday after being called about the remark by USA TODAY. "I used it in an effort to explain superior physical ability. I was trying to be complimentary. I would consider it complimentary if someone called me a (Mandingo) warrior. I profusely apologize. I didn't mean it to be derogatory to anyone."

Pruett said the meaning he intended was "superior ability, superior strength, boldness and courage."

Pruett will not be reprimanded for his comments, athletic director Bob Marcum said Wednesday.

"We think Coach Pruett's apology is sufficient, and I think he stated everything very well," Marcum said.

Cont'd ...
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