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Game Thread Marshall vs tOSU, Thursday Sep 2, 7:30 pm ET, BTN

i have tickets in both 9aa and 1a (where the north student section would be if the students were back), but i cant decide where to sit. if the students are there, i would sit there right away. so does anyone know if the north endzone student section will be there for this game?
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NUTS4theBUCKS28;1755502; said:
i have tickets in both 9aa and 1a (where the north student section would be if the students were back), but i cant decide where to sit. if the students are there, i would sit there right away. so does anyone know if the north endzone student section will be there for this game?

Students are in the south end zone for Marshall.
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leroyjenkins;1755686; said:
Some teams talk, because that's all they can do. Other teams do their talking on the field.


"We suck!"
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