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False on both accounts. There's a high number of UGA grads in ATL just like there's a high number of OSU grads in Cincy. And many, like myself grew up cheering for the big state school, as the school in their city wasn't any good.
Sure, and there are ttun fans in EL, and vice versa, but you get the point. Not their territory. Just because Tech has sucked recently, doesn't minimize that rivalry.

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Sure, and there are ttun fans in EL, and vice versa, but you get the point. Not their territory. Just because Tech has sucked recently, doesn't minimize that rivalry.


Not at all true! Cincinnati has a massive OSU following and a very big alum base. Go to any major event in Cincinnati and you'll see OSU merch all over the place, and if UC is average to bad, OSU merch outnumbers it 2 to 1.
And regardless of the rivalry, MANY UGA grads move to Atlanta.
So, I don't exactly get your point
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Interesting, because they hate UGA in Atlanta. At, or above, the same level as OSU hatred in Cincy.

Much of that changed with the end of Earl Bruce and Eldon Miller. Miller pissed the entire city off when he claimed that athletes from Cincinnati were lazy. Coop's first job at OSU was to hit the coaches offices in Cincinnati High Schools to mend broken fences. This eventually staunched the flow of talent to Michigan and Notre Dame. Most UC fans are also OSU fans.
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Much of that changed with the end of Earl Bruce and Eldon Miller. Miller pissed the entire city off when he claimed that athletes from Cincinnati were lazy. Coop's first job at OSU was to hit the coaches offices in Cincinnati High Schools to mend broken fences. This eventually staunched the flow of talent to Michigan and Notre Dame. Most UC fans are also OSU fans.
I was traumatized as a kid when I wore my OSU gear to a Reds game (90's). Not a loving bunch. LOL.
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I was traumatized as a kid when I wore my OSU gear to a Reds game (90's). Not a loving bunch. LOL.

That could've been a few drunken fans. Because if you go in GABP, you'll see the stadium littered with OSU jerseys, hats, shirts, etc.
And don't get me started on the Bengals games, ESPECIALLY with the amount of former Buckeyes on the roster
Cincinnati is a hardcore Buckeye city. There's only some hate when UC is good, and the fairweather UC fans come out of their holes and run their mouths. But most of them are closet OSU or ND fans anyway
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I was traumatized as a kid when I wore my OSU gear to a Reds game (90's). Not a loving bunch. LOL.
Well, it was a Reds game. We are pretty jaded most of the summer.

However, you typically wear Red to the Reds games if you are unlucky enough to be a fan so I often wore OSU gear and a Reds hat and have never experienced any such thing or even seen it really unless some UK fan chortles something under their breath. Being a larger mammal with perma hate face tends to get me left alone though.
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