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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

Yes, Atlanta is a lot like Chicago - but I'm guessing that it has more to do with like lots of people from Northern schools moving to the city. Look at how quickly the city and state have moved from deep red to purple, to lighter purple. That's not the result of folks from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisianna moving in.

A lot of people from California have also been moving to Atlanta for the past 5 or so years. Both from SoCal and the Bay Area.
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The average Reds' fan is from one of three places: a) Dayton b) the west (uber Catholic) side of the town c) Covington. If they're from Dayton, they're baseball fans through and through and so why are you wearing OSU fan gear to a baseball game? If they're from the west side they're counting down the days to the next Elder - St X game and they root for Notre Dame. If they're from Covington they're UK fans and hate yankees.

Showing your age a bit here. It has changed dramatically from this. They do still bleed Elder purple though.

Fuck TTUN.
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What the hell is this thread about anymore? Transfers or geography lessons?

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