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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

Speaking of 5* Flops....

Northwestern quarterback Hunter Johnson has entered the NCAA Transfer portal, 247Sports has learned. Johnson, a former 247Sports 5-star prospect from the Class of 2017, recorded stats in three games during the 2021 season for the Wildcats in 2021, ending the year passing 424 yards and four touchdowns against four interceptions. He has started eight games for the Wildcats in three seasons of playing time with the program.

Johnson began his collegiate career playing for Dabo Swinney at Clemson before announcing a transfer to Northwestern after one season with the Tigers. Johnson, out of Brownsburg (Ind.) High School, was the No. 2 pro-style passer in the nation for the 2017 cycle, according to the 247Sports Composite Player Rankings. He was ranked the No. 30 overall prospect in the nation, regardless of position, for that cycle.

Just sayin': He's flopped twice now, Clemson and Northwestern. His next stop should probably some Div. II school like Youngstown State.
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TCU Horned Frogs' two-time All-Big 12 DE Ochaun Mathis enters college football transfer portal

Six-foot-5, 257-pound Mathis earned second-team All-Big 12 honors in 2020 and 2021. His sacks total in 2020 ranked second in the Big 12 and fifth nationally, and his career sacks and tackles for loss were first on the TCU roster.

He would be a good pick up for Ohio State, especially if Zach Harrison doesn't return.

Of course Texas may have already won the NIL bidding war for him......:lol:

Texas receives four crystal ball predictions for TCU pass rusher Ochaun Mathis


Entire article: https://247sports.com/Player/Ochaun-Mathis-45572463/
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Sure, and there are ttun fans in EL, and vice versa, but you get the point. Not their territory. Just because Tech has sucked recently, doesn't minimize that rivalry.

The truth is Atlanta is a lot like Chicago, it’s where a ton of people from all over the south relocate there after graduating college. So where Chicago is home to NW, it probably has more ND, OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin fans etc but the city does not have allegiance to anybody.
The same is true for Atlanta. While home to GT, is really considered SEC HQ since all of the conference championships are there. They don’t dislike UGA, but they also have a ton of Bama, auburn, uSC, FSU and other fans as it’s such a transient city. I lived in Atlanta for over 4 years and there is no hate for UGA just cause of GT, not like Cincy and OSU.
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The truth is Atlanta is a lot like Chicago, it’s where a ton of people from all over the south relocate there after graduating college. So where Chicago is home to NW, it probably has more ND, OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin fans etc but the city does not have allegiance to anybody.
The same is true for Atlanta. While home to GT, is really considered SEC HQ since all of the conference championships are there. They don’t dislike UGA, but they also have a ton of Bama, auburn, uSC, FSU and other fans as it’s such a transient city. I lived in Atlanta for over 4 years and there is no hate for UGA just cause of GT, not like Cincy and OSU.

A couple comments:

So where Chicago is home to NW, it probably has more ND, OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin fans etc

I would guess that Chicago has more Illinois fans than OSU, scUM, or Cheese fans.

I lived in Atlanta for over 4 years and there is no hate for UGA just cause of GT, not like Cincy and OSU.

I don't think most fans of either school (Ohio State or Cincinnati) HATES the other. Many Ohio State fans now have a much more favorable impression of Cincinnati since Luke Fickell became the Cincinnati coach. I think it is just a matter of the status each school wants. Ohio State believes they are an elite program and the flagship school in Ohio; and Cincinnati is a 2nd tier school like Miami (i.e. Fredo 2.0). Cincinnati wants everyone to think they are the equal of Ohio State.
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He would be a good pick up for Ohio State, especially if Zach Harrison doesn't return.

Of course Texas may have already won the NIL bidding war for him......:lol:

Texas receives four crystal ball predictions for TCU pass rusher Ochaun Mathis


Entire article: https://247sports.com/Player/Ochaun-Mathis-45572463/

that kid is a damn beast too. Watched a couple TCU games this year and he popped when I was watching. Thought he might go pro actually
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The truth is Atlanta is a lot like Chicago, it’s where a ton of people from all over the south relocate there after graduating college. So where Chicago is home to NW, it probably has more ND, OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin fans etc but the city does not have allegiance to anybody.
The same is true for Atlanta. While home to GT, is really considered SEC HQ since all of the conference championships are there. They don’t dislike UGA, but they also have a ton of Bama, auburn, uSC, FSU and other fans as it’s such a transient city. I lived in Atlanta for over 4 years and there is no hate for UGA just cause of GT, not like Cincy and OSU.

I can't speak on the dynamics of Cinci or Chicago at all — as all I know about Cinci is chili, the Sign Museum, and Loveland castle and even know less about College sports fandom in Chicago — but I can say that this post is spot on about Atlanta.

I come across a lot more Auburn and Bama fans in Atlanta than GT fans.
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I was traumatized as a kid when I wore my OSU gear to a Reds game (90's). Not a loving bunch. LOL.
The average Reds' fan is from one of three places: a) Dayton b) the west (uber Catholic) side of the town c) Covington. If they're from Dayton, they're baseball fans through and through and so why are you wearing OSU fan gear to a baseball game? If they're from the west side they're counting down the days to the next Elder - St X game and they root for Notre Dame. If they're from Covington they're UK fans and hate yankees.
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The truth is Atlanta is a lot like Chicago, it’s where a ton of people from all over the south relocate there after graduating college. So where Chicago is home to NW, it probably has more ND, OSU, Michigan, Wisconsin fans etc but the city does not have allegiance to anybody.
The same is true for Atlanta. While home to GT, is really considered SEC HQ since all of the conference championships are there. They don’t dislike UGA, but they also have a ton of Bama, auburn, uSC, FSU and other fans as it’s such a transient city. I lived in Atlanta for over 4 years and there is no hate for UGA just cause of GT, not like Cincy and OSU.
Yes, Atlanta is a lot like Chicago - but I'm guessing that it has more to do with like lots of people from Northern schools moving to the city. Look at how quickly the city and state have moved from deep red to purple, to lighter purple. That's not the result of folks from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisianna moving in.
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