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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

Several Alabama players, including former 5-star linebacker Drew Sanders, enter transfer portal

Sanders' entrance into the portal is a bit more surprising, as he was likely to have a bigger role in 2022. The sophomore — rated the No. 22 overall player in the 2020 class — played in 15 combined games over the last two seasons, combining for 33 tackles, 1.5 for loss, and a sack.

Entire article: https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nca...ortal-drew-sanders/1jibr3y4nktvx1l5m633fm5b88
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Georgia just successfully pulled this trick off as well. They picked a good time, as other schools can openly compete with their offers through NIL now.
It also helped that UGA could also market players in a major city, Atlanta. My friends said that there's a big billboard of Jordan Davis in Atlanta Metro, that's a hell of an advertisement for the kid and the school

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It also helped that UGA could also market players in a major city, Atlanta. My friends said that there's a big billboard of Jordan Davis in Atlanta Metro, that's a hell of an advertisement for the kid and the school

Interesting, because they hate UGA in Atlanta. At, or above, the same level as OSU hatred in Cincy.
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Interesting, because they hate UGA in Atlanta. At, or above, the same level as OSU hatred in Cincy.
False on both accounts. There's a high number of UGA grads in ATL just like there's a high number of OSU grads in Cincy. And many, like myself grew up cheering for the big state school, as the school in their city wasn't any good.
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It also helped that UGA could also market players in a major city, Atlanta. My friends said that there's a big billboard of Jordan Davis in Atlanta Metro, that's a hell of an advertisement for the kid and the school

Yeah, there's a bunch of those billboards with WVU football players along 77 near Charleston. Exact same law firm and ads.
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