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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)

Former NFL QB Charlie Batch Offers Caleb Williams $1 Million to Play at Eastern Michigan

Oklahoma quarterback Caleb Williams has plenty of options for where to play in 2022 after he announced his decision to enter the transfer portal. One former NFL QB is making quite the unique pitch in an effort to get Williams to join his alma mater.

Former Lions and Steelers quarterback Charlie Batch tweeted his pitch to Williams on behalf of Eastern Michigan on Wednesday. Batch said an NIL deal worth $1 million is available if Williams commits to the Eagles, with the potential deal sponsored by GameAbove Capital.

"Hey @CALEBcsw, have you considered Eastern Michigan, @EMUFB? If not, you SHOULD,” Batch wrote. “GameAbove Capital is prepared to pay you ONE MILLION DOLLARS for one year! Are you ready be an EAGLE?”

Perhaps Williams takes the bag and heads to Ypsilanti, though it's likely he chooses a more prestigious program. Williams said Monday his choice to enter the portal was in order to “see who may offer the best preparation and development for my future career,” a sentiment echoed by his father, Carl.

Entire article: https://www.si.com/college/2022/01/...b-williams-transfer-eastern-michigan-nil-deal
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Good for the student athlete and EMU.

definitely.. but is it good for the NCAA.. and the leagues... and competitive balance...
assuming Schott (and Cardale) are good in launching the tax-deductible 501C for OSU NIL endowment fund .. game over in B1G

A really good thing -- every walk-on will be handed a paid-for-year.. and performance will dictate year by year renewal..

With the craziness going on right now, NLI's are worthless...
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definitely.. but is it good for the NCAA.. and the leagues... and competitive balance...
assuming Schott (and Cardale) are good in launching the tax-deductible 501C for OSU NIL endowment fund .. game over in B1G

A really good thing -- every walk-on will be handed a paid-for-year.. and performance will dictate year by year renewal..

With the craziness going on right now, NLI's are worthless...
Indeed at the bigger schools as long as the boosters will it. Walk-ons could be made whole and then some. Defeating the whole competitive balance of less scholarships
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Former NFL QB Charlie Batch Offers Caleb Williams $1 Million to Play at Eastern Michigan

Oklahoma quarterback Caleb Williams has plenty of options for where to play in 2022 after he announced his decision to enter the transfer portal. One former NFL QB is making quite the unique pitch in an effort to get Williams to join his alma mater.

Former Lions and Steelers quarterback Charlie Batch tweeted his pitch to Williams on behalf of Eastern Michigan on Wednesday. Batch said an NIL deal worth $1 million is available if Williams commits to the Eagles, with the potential deal sponsored by GameAbove Capital.

"Hey @CALEBcsw, have you considered Eastern Michigan, @EMUFB? If not, you SHOULD,” Batch wrote. “GameAbove Capital is prepared to pay you ONE MILLION DOLLARS for one year! Are you ready be an EAGLE?”

Perhaps Williams takes the bag and heads to Ypsilanti, though it's likely he chooses a more prestigious program. Williams said Monday his choice to enter the portal was in order to “see who may offer the best preparation and development for my future career,” a sentiment echoed by his father, Carl.

Entire article: https://www.si.com/college/2022/01/...b-williams-transfer-eastern-michigan-nil-deal

Who wouldn't want to follow in the footsteps of such NFL luminaries like...


Um, Charlie Batch and Maxx Crosby. Uhhh...
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definitely.. but is it good for the NCAA.. and the leagues... and competitive balance...
assuming Schott (and Cardale) are good in launching the tax-deductible 501C for OSU NIL endowment fund .. game over in B1G

A really good thing -- every walk-on will be handed a paid-for-year.. and performance will dictate year by year renewal..

With the craziness going on right now, NLI's are worthless...

but is it good for the NCAA.. and the leagues... and competitive balance...?

No, it's not (but it is what it is with the transfer portal and NIL); and with the craziness going on right now you are having 1 (and if I don't get to play) done players, 1 year rental players, and/or basically "mercenary" football teams for some schools.
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