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Look Who's Transferring Now (The Portal)


Used to the Coaching Carousel? Meet the QB Shuffle.
A number of factors in the changing college football landscape have contributed to making a chaotic transfer portal process the new normal.

On Christmas Eve, Wyoming coach Craig Bohl posted a message on Twitter that many found flatly bizarre.

In the tweet, Bohl revealed that his program needed a quarterback—for starters, an unusual approach—and that he planned to acquire that quarterback through the transfer portal or a junior college. It was a loud and public cry to the dozens of quarterbacks in the portal.


In its fourth year of existence, the transfer portal is impacting the sport more than ever before. It is resulting in curious public statements such as Bohl’s tweet, an outcry from frustrated coaches, new positions on coaching staffs and player movement like college football has never witnessed.

The last two months have seen more than 3,000 NCAA DI, D2 and D3 football players enter the portal, the highest number of entrants in the history of the operation.

Cont'd ...
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I’m guessing everyone on this board has changed jobs for more money, better hours, less commute or some other “what’s in it for me” reason.
You're forgetting about the select few of us who just keep our heads down for fear of management realizing we don't know wtf we're doing.....thus making searching for a new job a terrifying experience.
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You're forgetting about the select few of us who just keep our heads down for fear of management realizing we don't know wtf we're doing.....thus making searching for a new job a terrifying experience.

I'm absolutely quitting my job K'Vaughn Pope/Antonio Brown style this year. Probably on the 14th after I get my bonus. Or maybe on the 21st after I see what my raise winds up being. Definitely by the 28th, when my 401k match hits.

Or maybe I'll keep showing up everyday for year #19 because if I go somewhere else I might actually have to do real fucking work.
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I'm absolutely quitting my job K'Vaughn Pope/Antonio Brown style this year. Probably on the 14th after I get my bonus. Or maybe on the 21st after I see what my raise winds up being. Definitely by the 28th, when my 401k match hits.

Or maybe I'll keep showing up everyday for year #19 because if I go somewhere else I might actually have to do real fucking work.
Or you can get these "talented" fellows to sing to your boss that you quit...

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Oklahoma Sooners freshman wide receiver Mario Williams announces intention to enter transfer portal

Oklahoma Sooners freshman wide receiver Mario Williams announced Tuesday that he is planning to enter the transfer portal.

Williams was the No. 17-ranked recruit in the 2021 class, the No. 1 wide receiver and the second-highest-ranked commit for the Sooners.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/college-footba...ams-announces-intention-enter-transfer-portal
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nice get for the good guys.

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Two scUM players enter the portal...

LB Anthony Solomon, 4*, #223 overall in 2019; logged 6 tackles in 4 games in 2020 & 2021.
CB Darion Green-Warren, 4*, #190 overall in 2020, received a fair amount of hype from the lollipop guild going into 2021, but never saw the field.
One more out the door. This one will really hurt, he almost set a new Rose Bowl receiving record in just one entire season.
Adding to the growing amount of attrition happening with the Michigan Wolverines’ football program today, wide receiver Daylen Baldwin announced on his social media he will forgo his remaining eligibility and declare for the 2022 NFL Draft.

Baldwin caught 17 passes for 256 yards and two touchdowns
Michigan WR Daylen Baldwin declares for the NFL Draft - Maize n Brew
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Yeah, a safety that knows Knowles’ system, that would make sense, right?

Tanner McCalister, come on down!

Only if he knows all the songs, can play well with the rest of the group and no one’s safe zone feels threatened.

I believe he's also from the same city in TX as JSN as well. That should help lend him...

nice get for the good guys.

The thought of competent defensive coaching and good safety play returning to Columbus next year has me somewhat turgid
They actually did it. Between this and Chip Trayanum, I like the moves on that side. Just get talent in the door.
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