Sunday, November 18, 2007
Angelique S. Chengelis
FINAL STARE DOWN: There's give-and-take in any respectful relationship
It's a badge of honor, really. If you have covered Michigan football and Lloyd Carr and you haven't received the "Lloyd Carr Stare," you have missed out.
I have enjoyed my share of Lloyd Carr stares and glares, and there are different kinds that hold different meanings.
There is the really ticked-off stare, the one that lasts about 10 seconds and says: I can't believe you just asked that and don't even think for a moment I'm going to answer it. I'm not sure I even like you right now.
There is the less-pronounced stare, the look-away, subtle shaking of his head and a gruff, annoyed sigh. That one reads this way: Less anger but total disgust. Again, you are not going to get an answer, certainly not the one you want.
Then there is the stare he can't hold, followed by a quick smile. That one is all acting. Typically, it elicits much laughter.
It is difficult to reconstruct all that has happened in 13 years of covering Michigan football under Carr. It has been interesting, to say the least. I can honestly say I have enjoyed the journey and the development of a respectful relationship between coach and reporter.
FINAL STARE DOWN: There's give-and-take in any respectful relationship

Angelique Chengelis, with bunny ears for an unsuspecting coach, covered Lloyd Carr for all 13 of his seasons. (Special to The Detroit News)