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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

I don't have the games on DVR, but I have a buddy who swears up and down after one of the games, Gloria gave LeBron a kiss on the cheek and hug, and then pecks Delonte on the lips like its no big deal.

I call BS but he says I can watch it next time I'm there. If anyone has the games on DVR maybe fast-forward to the end of the games and see if you see anything. I'd think it'd be all over youtube if this were the case...

I still don't believe it, but I guess with some of the smoke I've been hearing it seems more plausible(the rumor in general). I just can't believe it though...:!
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jwinslow;1706864; said:
I don't know the nature of it, but I've seen other claims like that one:
Terez Owens: Delonte West banging Gloria James screwed Cavs chemistry - Page 4 - NBA Message Board - SpursTalk.com

but this guy says it was mo, not delonte:
Delonte is banging LeMom!

Some of the replies in that thread are pretty remarkable.

Delonte may not have been the public kisser, but there's way too much smoke and no denials whatsoever.

Starting to believe my buddy a little more after reading those comments. Don't you think someone who had it on DVR would have posted it already though? I think that clip would be all over the place by now.
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LeBron: Cleveland has "edge" when he's free agent – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Two-time MVP basketball superstar LeBron James is on the cusp of free agency. In an interview scheduled to air Friday with CNN's Larry King, James said his current team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, has the best chance of keeping him.
King: Do you lean at all toward the place you know the best? I mean do they have an edge going in...
JAMES: Oh, absolutely.
KING: ...your home team?
JAMES: Absolutely. Because, you know, this city, these fans, I mean, have given me a lot in these seven years. And, you know, for me, it's comfortable. So I've got a lot of memories here. And - and so it does have an edge.
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'Beards for 'Bron' is an astute and hirsute free agency ploy - Ball Don't Lie - NBA? - Yahoo! Sports
'Beards for 'Bron' is an astute and hirsute free agency ploy

As you may have heard, LeBron James(notes) has options this offseason. And if you haven't heard, this guy will help you out. And if you don't care about all the particulars, you certainly know that King James will be a free agent this summer. We've only been talking about it for three years.

Furthermore, you know that fans are doing anything they can think of to entice James to play for their team. Songs and websites and customized cars are just the start. Now, WKNR, an ESPN radio station in Cleveland, has launched "Beards for 'Bron," the latest and greatest in hilarious recruiting tools. You can probably figure out what's going on by the name, but if not, here's the description offered on its throwback website: Start growing your beard & participate in Beards for 'Bron! On June 1, 2010 you can show your support along with the ESPN Cleveland staff in growing out your beard as a message of solidarity to show our support for Cleveland in general, and our sports teams in particular!

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MUBuck;1710404; said:
If that's true, he's just slightly postponing a lifetime of hate.

He'd actually be making it worse by making us think we have a chance before he bolts. If he is dead set on leaving I think he would be trying to let Cavs fans down as easy as possible as to not burn all his bridges in Cleveland.
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LeBron James' CNN interview with Larry King offers little solace to the Cleveland Cavaliers - ESPN New York

Why go through all that just to stay in the same place? You'd have to be serious about bolting to go to these lengths.

Plus, James is rolling the dice by not signing a contract for all that guaranteed cash. He could have been injured. Or worse, suffered an accident and missed out on all that loot. So you know money can't be the issue -- especially since the Cavs can pay more than any of his other suitors.

Been saying this all along. I would rather James just said "thank you" and went on his way. Instead, he's acting like some teenage girl flirting with the chess team captain that doesn't stand a chance.

When he leaves, this Larry King interview will just [censored] me off more.
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