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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

1. The likelihood of LeBron staying in Cleveland is at least 50%.

2. Mike Brown is history.

3. Danny Ferry is probably history.

Don't get too caught up in the NYC/NJ/Chitown hype. LBJ loves Cleveland and NEO, and he's not going to leave if the Cavs' ownership makes the moves that The King thinks should be made - including discarding Delonte West and Mike Brown. (Ferry is just toast regardless.) Cleveland's problem is that the supporting cast is either plain dysfunctional or too freaking old. Nobody can tell me that Mike Redd in the Q would not be a good idea. Add somebody like either Paul Millsap or Carlos Boozer (you can go home again, sometimes) and this team can return to title contention - it's not that far away. Add a coach like Gregg Popovich, Mike Dunleavy, Flip Saunders or even Jeff Bzdelik and you're in great shape.

Let me just add that if one of LBJ's conditions is that Calipari is the new coach - well, I'd just like to say that I hope LeBron likes his new team.
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1. The likelihood of LeBron staying in Cleveland is at least 50%.

2. Mike Brown is history.

3. Danny Ferry is probably history.

Don't get too caught up in the NYC/NJ/Chitown hype. LBJ loves Cleveland and NEO, and he's not going to leave if the Cavs' ownership makes the moves that The King thinks should be made - including discarding Delonte West and Mike Brown. (Ferry is just toast regardless.) Cleveland's problem is that the supporting cast is either plain dysfunctional or too freaking old. Nobody can tell me that Mike Redd in the Q would not be a good idea. Add somebody like either Paul Millsap or Carlos Boozer (you can go home again, sometimes) and this team can return to title contention - it's not that far away. Add a coach like Gregg Popovich, Mike Dunleavy, Flip Saunders or even Jeff Bzdelik and you're in great shape.

Let me just add that if one of LBJ's conditions is that Calipari is the new coach - well, I'd just like to say that I hope LeBron likes his new team.
You lost all NBA credibility with Dunleavy. No way. Have you paid attention to the NBA?

I think this sounds really rude, but that honestly flabbergasts me.
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It doesn't sound rude at all.

Stupid, sure. But not rude.
Know he's an ESPN guy, but you ever read Bill Simmons? The only reason he was coaching the Clippers as long as he was is because Sterling is cheap. I do want to thank you for sending me googling Simmons Dunleavy columns. I was laughing so much. I was looking for the statistic, but I couldn't find it. The Clippers pretty much hated playing for him. He's terrible. He's one of 3 coaches to ever be brought back for a 7th year with 42% winning percentage.
If you want a taste try this or this.
Finally found what I was looking for.
28. We're buffoons! Rock 'n' roll can save the world? The chicks are great? I sound like a d---!

To Mike Dunleavy, the biggest reason, other than 33-plus years of bad luck, why Clippers fans shouldn't be doing backflips right now (even though they should). I don't think people truly understand how unsuccessful Dunleavy has been as a head coach. In the history of the NBA, only six people have coached more than 300 games consecutively for the same franchise and won less than 40 percent of those games. Incredibly, Dunleavy is the only person who accomplished this "feat" for two franchises. Here's the complete list:

• Bill Fitch, 99-229 (.302) -- L.A. Clippers, 1994-1998
• Mike Dunleavy, 107-221 (.326) -- Milwaukee Bucks, 1992-1996
• Matt Guokas, 111-217 (.338) -- Orlando Magic, 1989-1993
• Jack McKinney, 125-203 (.381) -- Indiana Pacers, 1980-84
• Wes Unseld, 202-345 (.369) -- Washington Bullets, 1987-94
• Mike Woodson, 153-257 (.373) -- Atlanta Hawks, 2004-present
• Mike Dunleavy, 194-298 (.394) -- L.A. Clippers, 2003-present.

You'll see someone break Wilt's 100 before you see another coach appear on that list twice. I really believe that. Mike Dunleavy, you made history. Congratulations. If you're not gone by Valentine's Day, I am organizing "Throw Bags Of Your Own Urine" Night. Of course, the Clips need more than just Dunleavy's departure to get LeBron. Allow me to help.
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Read an interesting article from Ian Thompson on si.com


Cavs fans shouldn't give up hope -- especially if James' intention is to sign a three-year contract with an option to leave after two, which would enable him to continue to dominate the free-agent buzz over the seasons ahead. If he doesn't see a compelling reason to leave this summer, he could postpone his decision for a couple of years.
If this has a chance of happening then its clear Lebron should be traded or just let walk. He will be pulling the same crap that he is now, holding the organization hostage when no DECENT free agents want to come play in Cleveland because they think he'll bolt.

What this says about James. Whatever he does now, he needs to make certain that he has put himself in position to win championships. Because whatever he creates now will belong to him. The team and coach and GM and owner for whom he chooses to play -- he needs to make sure it works, because in the end he'll receive the blame if it doesn't.

WOW finally Lebron might be held accountable for his actions, heaven forbid the press saying anything bad about LePaycheck... it really is starting to tick me off the way the press is bashing the Cavs refusing to make even the slightest mention that, hey maybe because no one knows what Lebron is doing they can't get any good players.

oh well
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