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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

Anyone happen to catch the Lebron interview on nightline after the game last night.... Seriously though, Larry King, NightLine, i'm struggling to figure out what in the .... is going on here.
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Anyone else frustrated by the Cavs' lack of doing anything last night at the draft? You see the Bulls take a huge step towards signing LeBron by clearing all that cap space, and the Cavs, once again, are sitting by twiddling their thumbs, not trying to clear any cap space and not trying to trade into the draft. Typical Cleveland--sitting around on their hands while other teams are thinking creatively and going out to get things done in an attempt to sign LeBron.
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buckeyesin07;1722555; said:
Anyone else frustrated by the Cavs' lack of doing anything last night at the draft? You see the Bulls take a huge step towards signing LeBron by clearing all that cap space, and the Cavs, once again, are sitting by twiddling their thumbs, not trying to clear any cap space and not trying to trade into the draft. Typical Cleveland--sitting around on their hands while other teams are thinking creatively and going out to get things done in an attempt to sign LeBron.

Hard to be creative when you have shit to trade.

Like for instance they did try to trade up to get Bledsoe. But someone offered the better deal. I mean who WOULDN'T take a Clippers future 1st round draft pick over the Cavs?
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Piney;1722565; said:
Hard to be creative when you have [censored] to trade.

Like for instance they did try to trade up to get Bledsoe. But someone offered the better deal. I mean who WOULDN'T take a Clippers future 1st round draft pick over the Cavs?

And its not like the Cavs have the luxury of trading a first round pick. If the "chosen one" leaves, we will be back in the lottery. No need to mortgage our future further for some premadonna that is doing everything to indicate that he isn't coming back.
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buckeyesin07;1722555; said:
Anyone else frustrated by the Cavs' lack of doing anything last night at the draft? You see the Bulls take a huge step towards signing LeBron by clearing all that cap space, and the Cavs, once again, are sitting by twiddling their thumbs, not trying to clear any cap space and not trying to trade into the draft. Typical Cleveland--sitting around on their hands while other teams are thinking creatively and going out to get things done in an attempt to sign LeBron.

The Cavs have gone well above the call of duty to make this guy happy. If he hasn't seen it by now, last night wasn't going to change anything.
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The Cavs don't need cap space to sign LeBron. They also don't need cap space to sign another max deal to go with LeBron. Even if they could do such a thing it would mean blowing up the current roster and giving LeBron a fresh start. If a fresh start is what LeBron wants, he won't be looking for it in Cleveland anyway.
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buckeyesin07;1722595; said:
Like meeting with Dan Gilbert the other day in Akron? Yeah, he sure is doing everything to indicate that he isn't coming back all right. :roll2:

dude has been bi-polar about the whole thing.. he just wants attention. I'm surprised he didn't make any hints or statements during the Finals to steal the spot light (Stern probably warned him of a huge fine if he did)
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