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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

crazybuckfan40;1477063; said:
Who cares about the media...he talks to them all the time...He keeps them in a job, i understand he is obligated to talk to the media, but if he doesn't one time after a season ending loss who gives a [censored]
The only issue I have with it is this..

LBJ is there when they're winning getting all the credit.. to make his teammates do the press conference after losing was pretty shitty.
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I will give LBJ a pass on both walking off the court immediately after the game (confetti doesn't come down after an NHL hockey game) and I will give him a pass on not talking to the media (he really doesn't need to give any explanation why they lost). If the media can't figure it out for themselves, they probably shouldn't be covering NBA playoff games.

I am also pretty sure that Lebron knew about the tumor by his parotid gland sometime ago because that is not something that shows up on a normal physical exam. To remove such a tumor a surgeon must come extremely close to the facial nerve and I mean extremely close to make sure they get all of the tumor. I am sure that Lebron did not have that surgery on his mind at all after the game.
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BUCKYLE;1478254; said:
Moses Malone played almost 20 years. Didn't seem to bother him, coming straight from HS.

true but thats one guy. im interested to see if in large scale the wear/tear grinds as heavily on these hs to nba guys in the large scale.

BB73;1478383; said:
Take a look at the year that Pippen had in '94, when he was in his prime and Jordan was off playing baseball.

He was 3rd in the MVP voting, with these numbers:

22.0 ppg, 8.7 rebounds, 5.6 assists, 2.9 steals.
the "perennial all start" not "top 50 all time" chris bosh this year...
22.7 10 rbs 2.5apg .9 stls
career for bosh 20 and 9.2 rpg. (the last four basically 22 and 10)
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Betting odds....

With LeBron James facing free agency, speculation is heating up regarding where the Cleveland Cavaliers star will end up for the next NBA season.
In Las Vegas all Lucky?s sports books have posted a prop asking whether James will score one point or more for the Cavaliers during the 2010-11 season.
The odds opened at pick ?em, or minus 110 either way.
That line roughly corresponds to the odds offered at an offshore book on where James will start the season. The Cavaliers are even money on the offshore line, followed by the Knicks at plus 200 and the Nets ? co-owned by rapper Jay-Z, a friend of James ? at plus 350.
After the Magic knocked Cleveland out of the NBA playoffs, James offered no hints about his future, instead opting to play the relax-and-spend-time-with-my-family-before-I-decide card.

Entire artricle: Losers lovable on prop bet - Las Vegas Sun
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jimotis4heisman;1478539; said:
true but thats one guy. im interested to see if in large scale the wear/tear grinds as heavily on these hs to nba guys in the large scale.

I'd argue that starting earlier means less overall wear and tear. When you're 18, your body can handle pretty much anything. Not so much at thirty.
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jimotis4heisman;1478539; said:
true but thats one guy. im interested to see if in large scale the wear/tear grinds as heavily on these hs to nba guys in the large scale.
Garnett went straight from HS to the NBA and is going into his 15th year (I believe). Kobe will be in his 14th next year. HS kids really only started again with garnett in '95. I think it's a little early to say if that leads to a shorter shelf life. If anything, shorter career for HS players has more to do with them not producing on as large a scale as kids with college experience. The guys that have produced have had long careers.
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1 thing I'm interested to see in the next 5 seasons or so is how Lebron's game evolves. Kobe, as his athleticism hit its peak and is now on a downswing, reinvented his game so that it takes less of a toll on his body. More back down as oppossed to driving, more medium range as oppossed to high flying. Everyone feels the effects of age. If Lebron is to become the greatest player of all time it will take some refining to his game. This is not to say that he can't do it; I'm just saying that we can't simply outmuscle and out-athlete everyone forever.
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Merih;1478999; said:
1 thing I'm interested to see in the next 5 seasons or so is how Lebron's game evolves. Kobe, as his athleticism hit its peak and is now on a downswing, reinvented his game so that it takes less of a toll on his body. More back down as oppossed to driving, more medium range as oppossed to high flying. Everyone feels the effects of age. If Lebron is to become the greatest player of all time it will take some refining to his game. This is not to say that he can't do it; I'm just saying that we can't simply outmuscle and out-athlete everyone forever.
If the Cavs get an inside presence (in '10?), I think you'll see LBJ rely more on his perimeter game, which showed some decent improvement this year. Until then, LeBron is really our best/only option.
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NFBuck;1478993; said:
Garnett went straight from HS to the NBA and is going into his 15th year (I believe). Kobe will be in his 14th next year. HS kids really only started again with garnett in '95. I think it's a little early to say if that leads to a shorter shelf life. If anything, shorter career for HS players has more to do with them not producing on as large a scale as kids with college experience. The guys that have produced have had long careers.

The thing is that LeBron is built unlike anyone we've ever seen in any major sport. I don't know if this helps, or hinders, but he is definitely an exeception to the norm.

Merih;1478999; said:
1 thing I'm interested to see in the next 5 seasons or so is how Lebron's game evolves. Kobe, as his athleticism hit its peak and is now on a downswing, reinvented his game so that it takes less of a toll on his body. More back down as oppossed to driving, more medium range as oppossed to high flying. Everyone feels the effects of age. If Lebron is to become the greatest player of all time it will take some refining to his game. This is not to say that he can't do it; I'm just saying that we can't simply outmuscle and out-athlete everyone forever.

If he were to ever develope a fadeaway jumpshot from the post, like Kobe and Mike, he would be unguardable. Also I think it's been mentioned before that he could move to PF permanately near the end of his career due to his build, in order to elongate his career.
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OState29;1479018; said:
The thing is that LeBron is built unlike anyone we've ever seen in any major sport. I don't know if this helps, or hinders, but he is definitely an exeception to the norm.
That is true, but he takes a lot of wear and tear on that body right now due to the Cavs needing him to take it to the hole so often without another legitimate inside presence.

OState29;1479018; said:
If he were to ever develope a fadeaway jumpshot from the post, like Kobe and Mike, he would be unguardable. Also I think it's been mentioned before that he could move to PF permanately near the end of his career due to his build, in order to elongate his career.
I think you started to see him work on that a lot this year at times. His jump shot looked much better this season. He was somewhat inconsistent still, but when he got hot, as we saw, he was unguardable. If the Cavs make a run at a legitimate post player this year or next, I'm sure you'll see him rely more on his developing perimeter game, which, in turn, will lengthen his career. As for him playing PF, I doubt that will ever happen on an exclusive basis. He has too diverse a skill set to play a traditional PF game.
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I will defend LBj in this situation...shake hands? When the team has confetti, they are happy...no...I have no problem with him leaving the court...
he missed an opportunity show some real class, be the king. for me one of my favorite part of playoff hockey is when both teams line up after a series and shake hands. everytime ive ever seen it is has shocked me. the time it takes for 20 guys with skates on to shake hands. these guys physically spent between 4 and 7 games attempting to kill each other (in some instances literally, some figuratively). i always liked that.

I think my point was missed here...One time is the exception, but with what was going on, the celebration, I am fine with it...I understand shaking hands, but do baseball players to it? I understand sportsmanship, and in my opinion leaving the court in a situation like that does not make Lebron a bad sport...Before the game he shakes hands with everyone.

Who cares about the media...lbj should, they hold the key in some relevance to his popularity. that being said does he have to care, no. but i tend to think he does care. he talks to them all the time... and i commend him for that. he realizes he derives value from that, free advertisement for his personal brand.He keeps them in a job, i understand he is obligated to talk to the media, but if he doesn't one time after a season ending loss who gives a [censored]...if hes contractually obligated (as it appears he was) then he should. sorry but in addition to that its in lebrons best interest to do it, it really is. whether he realizes that in the moment, he knows it. whether he "owes" it to the fans, kids, media, etc is debateable, imo. but given time to rationalize it hed spend some sort of time with them, thats been shown by him before.

Once again i think maybe the point was missed a little...I am not saying never ever do anything with the media, but if they don't get their story till the day after is it really that big of a deal? Is it like he said I am never talking to them again?

THe media drags him through the mud after one thing like this, not any different than anyother high level person. be it obama, bush, liddy, ceo, poli, sports star, movie star, etc.and they want him to talk to them all the time...not doubt who wouldnt?kinda goes both ways one would think...so lebron should pick and chose when he wants to talk and only talk then? maybe theyd chose to listen only when they want to listen, write only the snipets they want, etc... it is a two way street no doubt bu tthats not the attitude he should want or take.

It was one time, you bring the president up...Would you be mad if John McCain would of said the night of the election when he lost if he shut down all media outlets and then talked about it the next day? LBJ has been more than favorable to the media, this was a one time thing, should not of been a big deal...they already choose what they want to say, how many times have guys bad mouth LBJ put shit out there that are false hopes, rumors, etc...But that is a whole nother issue, all I am talking about is the fact that LBJ one time said I am not in the mood to talk to them, the season is over, let me dwell on that, and I will talk in a day.

As for LBJ/Jordan...

Jordan is who he is because of the titles...Obviously another top 50 player in the history of the game playing alongside him helped...
id have to look it up but pippen wasnt the same with hakeem and sir charles one year after playing with mj...

Pippen was past his prime when Jordan left. Obviously Jordan helped Pippen, the same way Stockton helped Malone, etc, but pippen's year when Jordan went to baseball showed the type of player he was, and he was voted a top 50 player of all time when they had that in the nineties. Not sure what year.

If you would put a top 50 guy alongside LBJ they would rule the league...Some have mentioned Amare, Bosh...Guys that are all-stars year in and year out but not top 50 players, and still with guys like that I think they would rule the league...
could/would/should. the thing is now who wants to play with lbj, will he take the pay need be to assemble a detroit red wings caliber roster?

The Cavs are the only team in the league that will be able to sign LBJ plus another superstar like Bosh/Wade etc in the 2010 free agent class. LBJ wont need to take a paycut. Ferry already has them set up.

So if LBJ is able to put up title victories anywhere around 4, depending on the talent that he has around him, he will go down as the best player and surpassing Jordan...
under the assumption you automatically crown mj the greatest ever. those old timers dont... wilt, russell, kareem etc...

Well whoever you call hte best player, he has a very good chance at surpassing.

The kid is 24...and a 5 year vet. (it will be intersting to see if him, kobe, garnett can play till 35 or whether they are cooked after say 13-16 years..)Yeah the jumpshot is not great yethis 3 ball has improved greatly., he is still finding his niche for his gamehes got his niche......His free throw stroke is not great...Give him next year, and I think he improves all that with the way he works on his game and I think we honeslty could see a title in Cleveland and LBJ really starting his legacy...If not he will stay in Cleveland and bring a guy like Bosh in with him and win one that year...
personally id like to see the cavs run a high pick and roll with a bigger player who can pull of the screen and pop or roll. with those two im not sure how you could defend it.. im really not sure how with the way the game is officiated today. (few if any offensive foul calls)

We will see about the years, but Kobe is already at 14 years and still in the prime of his career most would say...Obviously LBJ is taking a hit on his body having to do a whole lot to will his team, but Jordan did the same early in his career.

As for the 3 point shot, it improved yes, but there is still quite a big of room for improvement...I belive he only shot 32 percent.

As for his niche I would say no he hasn't found it...The reason being 1-5 is not a niche in basketball...Yes he knows some of his hot spots, but the great game he had in game 5 he started the whole fourth quarter with the ball at the free throw line, something we had not seen from him...his game is going to evolve, to make it easier on him to score...He will see more time in the post, and inside the 3 point arc...
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LeBron has played six seasons. He has as many championship rings as Michael Jordan at the same point in his career - none.

There are still several chapters left in his story, but if the Cavs starting line up consists of talent of the level of Ilgauskus, Varajeao, West and Williams he is going to have a hard time winning titles. The fact that team won 66 games this year is remarkable. Mo Williams an All Star? Funny how he never got a sniff at such status until he played along side LeBron.

The Cavs need a better supporting cast. Jordan and Kobe won titles with all time greats next to them. Even this year, Pau Gasol plays with Kobe and he was an all star with the fucking Memphis Grizzlies.

Batman needs a Robin, not a Jimmy Olsen riding on his coattails.
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Garnett went straight from HS to the NBA and is going into his 15th year (I believe). Kobe will be in his 14th next year. HS kids really only started again with garnett in '95. I think it's a little early to say if that leads to a shorter shelf life. If anything, shorter career for HS players has more to do with them not producing on as large a scale as kids with college experience. The guys that have produced have had long careers.
thats precisely my point. whether those guys go 13-16 years or whether they can play into their mid-late 30s. its hard for me to say, it might be an age thing it might be a wear/tear grind of the 82 game nba schedule, etc...

that being said with medicine the way it is now what was once a career ending issue now sometimes these guys return in the same season.
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