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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

TRON 2.0;1728941; said:
Quit putting words in my mouth. I never said Cavs fans have no right to be upset. I have posted that I thought it was wrong for the way he went about it all, but LBJ owes nothing to Cleveland or anybody at that.

The city gave him everything. They put all their hope in the LeBron jar. The team was his slave for 7 years, making moves for the immediate future rather than long term job, and it screwed them. He thrust a long, rusty knife in the Cavs back today, and I find Gilbert's letter justified, although in some cases, totally ridiculous. Particularly the title part, but hey, he was just as pissed as I am, and I find that to be the guy who I want owning my team.

He's like a less publicized Mark Cuban.
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BuckeyeNation27;1728947; said:
You'd hate it if the Cavs did these moves?

I would not praise it if they did, its a joke, the whole NBA is a joke

now I kind of hope the Cavs do some sort of shit though, some bogus stuff you can only do in the NBA

stick it to LeBrick
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Miami will be fine filling the roster...any team would be fine filling a roster with LeBron, D-WADE, and Bosh...

They don't need any more scorers, just role players...like Chalmers who will remain PG, and possibly a Joel Anthony at center, or someone willing to play for a few mill.

It won't be that hard for them.

I hope they have major chemistry issues, and I hope LeBron hates averging 20-22 a game, and feeling the pressure to keep D-Wade, and Bosh involved. I also hope Wade somehow becomes the go-to scorer and throws up a few MVP's while LeBron is there. I think that'd be a tough pill to swallow, although publically he'd play his part.
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I will try to be as reasonable as I can on my thoughts...

If I was James I would have gone, too. However, I just would have did it differently. My ire toward LBJ is not his actual decision, just how he arrived at it. I think I will watch a few more Cavs games (if televised nationally) than last year just to support the team.

To close, Fuck LBJ for the way he went about it.
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