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LB A.J. Hawk (2x All-American, Lombardi Trophy, National Champion, Super Bowl Champion)

I am about sick of everything concerning College football besides my beloved buckeyes.

The media coverage of cfb sucks. They go around sucking off Notre Dame, USC, and PSU. They are in love with these stupid ass feel good stories but forget to praise teams that are up there every year. What is 4 BCS bowl games, and I don't think I have heard a single word. Also we are 3-0 in those games, but Charlie Weiss is the one that is going to be able to get his team up for the game not Jim Tressel, b/c Weiss has coached in how many bowl games and Notre Dame has won a bowl game in how many year.

Then you got the fuckin' BCS and all that bullshit. Stupidest fucking thing ever.

Then you have the awards which are all a bunch of shit. I swear I saw that Brady Quinn won a qb award, not for sure, but he wouldnt even hold Vince Young's or Matt Leinharts jock. The awards have nothing to do with stats, I am sure you that you have a few voters that actually do research, but then it is just a popularity contest. Our awards here at BP hold as much weight as those do, b/c what makes them guys experts that vote, nothing. It is more like hey I feel bad you are a pretty good player and havent won an award yet. Here you go we will vote for you.

So I don't give a fuck about all the bullshit that goes on around college football, all I care about is my beloved buckeyes and then watching some games.

O and by the way congratulations to POZ and Ryans who both know they didnt deserve it.

And by the way AJ you will be greatly missed by everyone in the buckeye faithful, and you will go down as a legend of the shoe.
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Couple of things:

-Congrats to A.J. for bringing the Lombardi back the Columbus. A great achievement.

-A.J. with a chip on his shoulder in the Fiesta isn't a bad thing. He may take the field in Tempe with something to prove - and I'd bet dollars to donuts he *will* prove it. Come January 3rd, Butkus voters will wish for a redo.

-CFB isn't about individual accolades, it's about team success - and I think A.J. realizes this as well as anyone. Both he and the team have one thing on their minds right now - beating the fight out of the Irish.

-I guarantee any of those players that 'beat out' A.J. for the individual awards this year would trade every bit of hardward on their shelves for a National Championship ring. I would also guess that A.J. values his 2002 Nat'l Championship ring over any individual accolade he has ever received.

-Finally, A.J. will get his due come the NFL draft.

Go Bucks! Beat ND!
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I guess I'm a little surprised by the voracity of the general reaction here and amongst the Columbus media, but I suppose I shouldn't be. The bottom line is that Hawk deserved to win all of the awards, but this has ALWAYS been how it works for these awards...people are just noticing it now because it was our player this time. The reason they have 5-8 awards for most of these positions is so that everyone can get one.

The POY, especially at the QB position is the most blatant, with the Heisman and the Maxwell and the Davey O-Brien and the whateverthehell the rest of them are. No one ever wins them all...even when they should. Same goes for the linemen and the defense...there are 5 awards so everyone can get one...period. The committees vote this way intentionally, and always have, at least since the advent of the internet and cable TV.

Is it fair? Of course not, but that's the way it is. In the 60's and 70's, and heck, maybe even the 80's, before the advent of the internet and coast-to-coast Gameplan packages, these awards meant something. Now, it's a big PR campaign for the players, and a lot of times the awards are picked based on the team record and the "marketability" of the story. So, Penn State and Alabama and Notre Dame this year are considered "feel-good" stories, while OSU has the renegade reputation amongst a lot of people outside Columbus. Did that hurt Hawk? Of course it did, but perception combined with marketability has been the way it always is. Don't take it out on the players of the other schools...it's not their fault. Blame the media and the voters, and the system that rewards team marketability hype more than actual individual performance.

The one gripe I really have is that many times these awards are "career votes". In other words, players that are seniors that put together 4 good seasons win, even if an unhyped guy has a season somewhere in the vicinity of what the senior did. That didn't work out for Hawk either, which if it was the way it usually worked would be fine, but usually it's the opposite...so he basically got screwed twice.
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Hopefully this puts an end to everything. Everyone who was "up" for an award won an award, now it's time to get back to some football.

Crazy thing is, 25 years from now, both Poz and Ryans will be Trivia questions not only around the country, but on the internet forums of their respective Universities.

We, on the other hand, will continue to appreciate and relish the incredible performances that AJ gave us over the past 4 years. This will carry on way past the 25 years that the other two will have long been forgotten for. My son is 8 years old, and thanks to his "sick" father he knows all about AJ Hawk. 25 years from now, he'll be on here debating with some young'n about how Hawk was the best LB we ever had here, and how the current stud ???? could never measure up to him. This is the beauty of TOSU football and its fans. We REMEMBER! We never FORGET! 30 years since he played a game here, Archie Griffin can still stop traffic in the street. I'm 43 years old, and would still get major goosebumps if I ever got the chance to meet guys like Tatum, Stillwagon, Kern, Brockington, Otis, Gradishar, Greene, Baschnagel, Johnson, Hicks, Skladany, and the list could go on forever.

What separates US from the rest of the CFB world is our Love and appreciation of our "hero's" that never dies. You kinda wish we could use this as a recruiting tool. "YOU" come to TOSU, and no matter what else you ever do in your life, You'll ALWAYS be a Buckeye. Peace.

Damn good post, Dubs! I salute you!
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