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LB A.J. Hawk (2x All-American, Lombardi Trophy, National Champion, Super Bowl Champion)

Hopefully this puts an end to everything. Everyone who was "up" for an award won an award, now it's time to get back to some football.

Crazy thing is, 25 years from now, both Poz and Ryans will be Trivia questions not only around the country, but on the internet forums of their respective Universities.

We, on the other hand, will continue to appreciate and relish the incredible performances that AJ gave us over the past 4 years. This will carry on way past the 25 years that the other two will have long been forgotten for. My son is 8 years old, and thanks to his "sick" father he knows all about AJ Hawk. 25 years from now, he'll be on here debating with some young'n about how Hawk was the best LB we ever had here, and how the current stud ???? could never measure up to him. This is the beauty of TOSU football and its fans. We REMEMBER! We never FORGET! 30 years since he played a game here, Archie Griffin can still stop traffic in the street. I'm 43 years old, and would still get major goosebumps if I ever got the chance to meet guys like Tatum, Stillwagon, Kern, Brockington, Otis, Gradishar, Greene, Baschnagel, Johnson, Hicks, Skladany, and the list could go on forever.

What separates US from the rest of the CFB world is our Love and appreciation of our "hero's" that never dies. You kinda wish we could use this as a recruiting tool. "YOU" come to TOSU, and no matter what else you ever do in your life, You'll ALWAYS be a Buckeye. Peace.
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to WoodyWorshiper again.
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I've about fucking had it with this shit. Senior moderator or not, fuck it, I'm speaking my mind. How in the fuck can Hawk NOT win these awards, people? A.J. wins the award for "best interior lineman" when he's not an lineman, and yet can't win jack fuck for best linebacker or best defensive player. This is all a "spread-around". First, Hawk wins a major award, and then they spread the rest amongst the other "finalists" for the remaining awards. Mark my words, in three years you won't know who the fuck Demarco Ryans is, nor Posluszky, because neither of those two will amount to jack shit in the NFL. Hawk will not only be a long-time solid performer, but will make more than a few Pro Bowl squads...
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MililaniBuckeye said:
This is all a "spread-around"
exactly. if all the awards came out at the same time, AJ would have won them all...

i'm not worried about it. EVERYONE knows that AJ is the best... even some jagoff i work with came up to me and said, "why didn't AJ Hawk win the Butkus? that's bullshit."

and he was dead right.
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Another dissapointing day for A.J.'s fans. I thought for sure the voters would get it right after they messed up the Bednarki and Butkus awards. I guess the awards are meant to not hurt anyone's feelings. What is this, 1st grade? Why don't they give every single player some kind of an award. Well, atleast these awards are behind A.J. and he can get back to focusing on the one that matters the most, the Fiesta Bowl!
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Where were you? They did all weekend

i stopped watching after the bednarki. even paul knew it was shit. even after they read his name he just sat there waiting for someone else to get up. my blood began to boil and it hit me. im watching espn of all things to watch a buckeye get fucked over on national tv for of all things underclassmen who haven't had half the career...

nothing against paul puslusnusfusguswusinastimavich. he's had a great season for psu. but no matter how you measure it, he has yet to have the season or career for psu that aj has.

next they'll tell reggie bush he needs to tone it down a bit when he plays so defenders have a chance and can feel better about themselves.
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