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LB A.J. Hawk (2x All-American, Lombardi Trophy, National Champion, Super Bowl Champion)


Not really suggesting a mismatch, I'm just saying that on our team, there would be a good chance that Poz wouldn't necessarily be in the mix. Ah Hell, I'm still just trying to justify an injustice.
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What a political PAterno jerk off job.

I'm glad the person who benefitted from the media/Paterno blow job realizes he's second best. But that doesn't make it any better or sting any less.

Two years from now when Poz is fighting for time on special teams in the league, Hawk will be on his second trip to Hawaii in February.
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Congratulations to Alabama's DeMeco Ryans, who has won the Lott Trophy.


12-11) 21:34 PST Newport Beach, Calif. (AP) --

Linebacker DeMeco Ryans of Alabama was named the winner of the second annual Lott Trophy on Sunday night as the nation's outstanding defensive player.

Ryans, a 6-foot-2, 235-pound senior, led Alabama in tackles this season and was the Southeastern Conference defensive player of the year. He graduated from school in seven semesters with a 3.7 grade point average.

No. 13 Alabama (9-2) will play No. 18 Texas Tech (9-2) in the Cotton Bowl on Jan. 2.

The Lott Trophy, based on personal character as well as performance, is named after Ronnie Lott, a Hall of Fame defensive back who starred at Southern California and was an All-Pro in the NFL.

Lott presented the trophy to Ryans at The Pacific Club, sponsor of the award. Finalists A.J. Hawk of Ohio State and Darryl Tapp of Virginia Tech also were in attendance.

Last year's winner was David Pollack, the All-American defensive end from Georgia who was a first-round pick of the Cincinnati Bengals.

Voting for the winner was conducted by Ernst & Young, with ballots being sent to college offensive and defensive coordinators, national media and

The Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation Board of Directors, a board of advisers made up of former NFL players, and coaches.

There were 42 players on the original watch list this season.

Alabama will receive $25,000 from The Pacific Club's IMPACT Foundation for its general scholarship fund.
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No offense to Poz or Ryans, but these individual award slights (IMO), may just add more fuel to an already motivated player to not only succeed, but excell at the next level. Here is to A.J. making the pro-bowl every year he is in the N.F.L.

Awards or not, I will always tell anyone who listens that I had the privalege to see the greatest college L.B. ever. Thanks MR. Hawk.
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