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LB A.J. Hawk (2x All-American, Lombardi Trophy, National Champion, Super Bowl Champion)

I imagine former winners would often vote for people from their own school. The idea of the media voting for the awards (like the Heisman) is that they are "impartial"...I know, insert laughter here.
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HAWK LANDS Senior linebacker A.J. Hawk returned to practice Monday after a whirlwind five events in six days through a three-city tour that took him to the Lombardi, Butkus and Lott award ceremonies. Hawk won the Lombardi Award and finished second in the Butkus voting to Penn State’s Paul Posluzny. “Tell Bobby (Carpenter) and Anthony (Schlegel) I can’t wait for them to be my workout partners again, after a week lifting and running with my dad,” Hawk said.
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My question is how many times these guys can realistically say they watched all the canidates. Considering half of them have jobs where they are probably forced to be at certain games and don't have the luxury of sitting and watching games all day and seeing just who really should win it.

And why don't they let former winners of the award vote for it. I always thought that was the best way to do it.

Well we know Trev had plenty of time to watch at home in Nebraska.
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not sure if this has been posted but, I was watching that cold pizza show on espn 2 only because, forget the name but, the main guy doing the show is an ohio native and loves ohio state and cleveland pro sports teams. He is always very positive about the buckeyes but, he said HAWK dates brady quinns sister and is cheering for ND against OSU.

Hawk is an animal as a player but, If I was dating a girl and she cheered against my team because, of her brother

.iF IT WAS ME. I would think two things maybe, they have a west va. thing going on or I need to read O.J.'S BOOK
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not sure if this has been posted but, I was watching that cold pizza show on espn 2 only because, forget the name but, the main guy doing the show is an ohio native and loves ohio state and cleveland pro sports teams. He is always very positive about the buckeyes but, he said HAWK dates brady quinns sister and is cheering for ND against OSU.

Hawk is an animal as a player but, If I was dating a girl and she cheered against my team because, of her brother

.iF IT WAS ME. I would think two things maybe, they have a west va. thing going on or I need to read O.J.'S BOOK

Who is cheering for ND? Brady, his sister or Hawk?
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But honestly though, think of what a awkward situation you'd be in if you were Hawk. What if you were solely responsible for Brady Quinn getting injured badly? I mean...you're not gonna get any that night, that's for sure.
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But honestly though, think of what a awkward situation you'd be in if you were Hawk. What if you were solely responsible for Brady Quinn getting injured badly? I mean...you're not gonna get any that night, that's for sure.

Were Hawk not such a gentleman and a classy individual like he is...that could (theoretically speaking only) result in some VERY interesting conversation as he is picking Quinn up after a sack and heading back to the huddle :biggrin:
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Were Hawk not such a gentleman and a classy individual like he is...that could (theoretically speaking only) result in some VERY interesting conversation as he is picking Quinn up after a sack and heading back to the huddle :biggrin:

What's truly funny is that he won't have to say anything. Some of the things that lesser linebackers say about the QB's sister when trash-talking are 100% true. But that is ALL that is funny about this.

When it comes right down to it though, even if he were your opponent for one game, there are worse guys to have dating your sister.

All of this points out that for some trash-talk, the best response is "even if that were true, BFD".
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Hawk's heart not just in the game

OSU star is dating sister of Notre Dame's Brady

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

<!-- begin body-content -->COLUMBUS - A.J. Hawk is such a private person that he didn't tell roommate Nick Mangold he was spending the weekend in Arizona with the Playboy All-America team until he got back.
So Hawk's stomach might have been doing flip-flops since it's been revealed Ohio State's senior linebacker has been dating Laura Quinn, older sister of Notre Dame junior quarterback Brady Quinn, for the past four months.
Whether his heart is doing flip-flops, too, only he might know for sure.
``She's a great girl and he's happy,'' OSU senior center Mangold said.
Speaking to the Columbus media about the romance for the first time Wednesday, Hawk was cagey but more comfortable than last week. He and Brady Quinn squirmed when interviewed together by ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit on the Home Depot College Football Awards show. Asked by the former OSU quarterback how he was handling the situation, Hawk said: ``I'm handling it fine. It's you guys that are blowing it up.''
That might not be the case if Centerville native Hawk weren't facing Dublin Coffman product Brady Quinn when Ohio State meets Notre Dame on Jan. 2 in the Fiesta Bowl.
``I was definitely hoping to play Notre Dame because I wanted to be part of a game that big,'' Hawk said. ``I'm not worried about all that (talk about Laura). It's not a big deal for us.''
And what if he's blitzing and gets a clean shot at perhaps his future brother-in-law?
``Hopefully I don't miss the tackle,'' he said. ``I try to take everyone's head off. I'm not going to play any differently. If it's my own brother, I wouldn't change my play.''
Hawk said he and Laura Quinn had been ``trying for a little bit'' to keep their relationship under wraps. ``But we kind of realized once it got out that it might get big,'' he said.
Hawk didn't exactly deny a rumor going around South Bend, Ind., that he's spending Christmas at the Quinns'.
``On Christmas Day I'll be back in Centerville with my family,'' he said.
Hawk said he has not had a sit-down dinner with Laura and Brady Quinn and their family. Laura Quinn, a California college student pursuing a career in sports broadcasting, reportedly met Hawk through mutual friends, but Hawk wouldn't give details.
Asked how he was introduced, he said laughing: ``To who? This really doesn't have anything to do with the game.''
Senior Bobby Carpenter said when the OSU linebackers met Laura Quinn, ``she was deciding how she was going to handle the bowl game situation. Funny enough, now we're playing each other. We tease her about it.
``I feel bad for the exposure she's getting. And A.J.'s a very quiet guy and likes to keep to himself. I don't think he likes his personal matters out in the public eye.''
Now that Laura Quinn's logistical nightmare of trying to attend two bowl games has been averted, Hawk said there isn't any debate on whom she will be rooting for. ``I tell her she's rooting for her brother,'' Hawk said. ``She better; she's known him a lot longer than me.''
Butkus bashing
While Hawk won the Lombardi Award, his teammates are upset that he lost the Butkus Award to Penn State junior Paul Posluszny.
``It's horrible,'' senior linebacker Anthony Schlegel said. ``I don't understand how you can have a guy who's a two-time All-American, Big Ten Player of the Year twice, No. 1 defense in the Big Ten in every category but one, a phenomenal player and you give it to somebody off one year. (Posluszny) had a great season, but A.J. has done it all his career.''
Carpenter said: ``He's better than Posluszny, better than DeMeco Ryans, he's the best player in the country. He doesn't care about that, but I wish he would have won it.''
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Tressel: Hawk lost Butkus by one vote

OSU players upset with snub

By Doug Harris
Dayton Daily News
COLUMBUS | Ohio State's A.J. Hawk brought home one trophy from his national awards tour last week, but that wasn't enough to suit his teammates.

<!-- inset --> <!--begintext--> The senior from Centerville was beaten out for the Butkus Award as the top collegiate linebacker by Penn State junior Paul Posluszny despite having glossier credentials.
OSU coach Jim Tressel said Wednesday he was told Hawk lost by one vote. And although Butkus Award chairman Chip Landon wouldn't disclose the tally, he said the process was agonizing for the 27-member selection committee.
"It was a very, very close vote," Landon said. "And there were several voters who asked for a little more time because they were just having trouble deciding."
Penn State's 17-10 win over OSU on Oct. 8 apparently swayed some voters, although the Buckeyes have the Big Ten's top-rated defense. Posluszny had 14 tackles in the game and 111 for the season, two more than Hawk.
But the Buckeyes' star had more tackles for losses (13-11) and sacks (7.5-3.0) while being picked by the coaches and media as the conference defensive player of the year.
He also finished sixth in the Heisman Trophy balloting — the best showing by a defensive player — and Hawk and Southern Cal's Reggie Bush (the Heisman winner) were the only unanimous selections on the Associated Press All-American team.
The Butkus committee is made up of media members from across the nation, and Landon is confident the group did its homework.
"It was a cumulative vote of some very knowledgeable people," he said. "I feel very confident about that."
But Hawk's cohorts were dumbfounded.
"I don't understand how you give it to a guy who's had one (good) year," OSU middle linebacker Anthony Schlegel said. "(Posluszny) hasn't done what A.J. has done over his career here. To say he's a better linebacker than A.J. Hawk, I completely disagree."
Hawk also was nosed out by Posluszny for the Bednarik Award (top defensive player) and by Alabama's DeMeco Ryans for the Lott Trophy (defensive player who excels on and off the field).
"I'm not too sure how you can be Big Ten player of the year, a unanimous first-team All-American, and not win the Butkus or Lott or Bednarik," OSU outside linebacker Bobby Carpenter said. "He should have won them all, in my opinion."
Contact Doug Harris at 225-2125.
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Tressel: Hawk lost Butkus by one vote

OSU players upset with snub

By Doug Harris
Dayton Daily News
COLUMBUS | Ohio State's A.J. Hawk brought home one trophy from his national awards tour last week, but that wasn't enough to suit his teammates.

<!-- inset --><!--begintext-->The senior from Centerville was beaten out for the Butkus Award as the top collegiate linebacker by Penn State junior Paul Posluszny despite having glossier credentials.
OSU coach Jim Tressel said Wednesday he was told Hawk lost by one vote. And although Butkus Award chairman Chip Landon wouldn't disclose the tally, he said the process was agonizing for the 27-member selection committee.
"It was a very, very close vote," Landon said. "And there were several voters who asked for a little more time because they were just having trouble deciding."
Penn State's 17-10 win over OSU on Oct. 8 apparently swayed some voters, although the Buckeyes have the Big Ten's top-rated defense. Posluszny had 14 tackles in the game and 111 for the season, two more than Hawk.
But the Buckeyes' star had more tackles for losses (13-11) and sacks (7.5-3.0) while being picked by the coaches and media as the conference defensive player of the year.
He also finished sixth in the Heisman Trophy balloting — the best showing by a defensive player — and Hawk and Southern Cal's Reggie Bush (the Heisman winner) were the only unanimous selections on the Associated Press All-American team.
The Butkus committee is made up of media members from across the nation, and Landon is confident the group did its homework.
"It was a cumulative vote of some very knowledgeable people," he said. "I feel very confident about that."
But Hawk's cohorts were dumbfounded.
"I don't understand how you give it to a guy who's had one (good) year," OSU middle linebacker Anthony Schlegel said. "(Posluszny) hasn't done what A.J. has done over his career here. To say he's a better linebacker than A.J. Hawk, I completely disagree."
Hawk also was nosed out by Posluszny for the Bednarik Award (top defensive player) and by Alabama's DeMeco Ryans for the Lott Trophy (defensive player who excels on and off the field).
"I'm not too sure how you can be Big Ten player of the year, a unanimous first-team All-American, and not win the Butkus or Lott or Bednarik," OSU outside linebacker Bobby Carpenter said. "He should have won them all, in my opinion."
Contact Doug Harris at 225-2125.

Those players speak for all of us.
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