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LB A.J. Hawk (2x All-American, Lombardi Trophy, National Champion, Super Bowl Champion)

This is on the "Ask CFN" portion...


I am an extremely biased Ohio State fan and perhaps blind to the facts. I know it's not the Heisman, only the Butkus (and therefore unworthy of any great debate), but how in the world does AJ Hawk not win that award? Please make a convincing argument for Posluszny as the best LB in the country this year statistically and otherwise. – MH

A: Posluszny had a fantastic year and does deserve the recognition, but I’m with you. I thought Hawk was the better all-around player and the much bigger playmaker, but Penn State is the hot team right now, and that means the voters of the awards, who normally go off hype and one game of viewing, went with the feel good story. I actually thought Iowa’s Chad Greenway even had a better year than Posluszny. Ask most SEC fans, and they’d say Patrick Willis of Ole Miss was the best linebacker they saw this year.

OK, so why was Posluszny better than Hawk … uh, um, he made more tackles. He was the leader of one of the nation’s best defenses, and he restored the tradition to Linebacker U. Ohio State's defense finished ahead of Penn State's in almost every category, including run defense, and Hawk was far better in pass coverage and at getting into the backfield. Don't get me wrong; Posluszny is fantastic. I just thought others were better.
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Coincidence? Talking with my best Bro yesterday about how big to go on the Bucks in the Fiesta.....and a Red-tail Hawk flew about 15 feet over my head, no shit. Omen?.. Lay the House? ??????????

Let's try to keep the seniors on the front page before their final
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I think it would depend on the draft order. Which teams pick when.

As of now...

1 Houston (1-12)
2 SF (2-11)
3 NO (3-10)
3 GB (3-10)
3 NY Jets (3-10)

And whole bunch of teams with 4-9 record

I think NO and GB can pick AJ.

its going to be interesting, NO and GB both need tons of help all over the field. NO has given up on aaron brooks and would probably take lienart(before these recent events i thought that they would take hawk for sure). GB has also said that if leinart is on the board that they would think long and hard about taking him. Whats that you say, GB drafted Aaron Rodgers last year...Guess that tells you all you need to know about jeff tedford qb's. Remeber that it is very rare for LB's to go in the top 5. Some other teams that could be looking at hawk are the Lions(who should be looking for LB help or OL help). AZ, however it has been speculated that green would take VY if he comes out. Miami-looking for the heir to zack thomas as he is getting up there in age and starting to show signs of slowing down. It also would not be out of the relm of possibility for the texans to trade down and take him though i have heard that they like the elvis kid from louisville.

just some random thoughts.
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Trojans are really upsest at the attention that vince gets. you would think that they could share the love a little. I mean sports center is allready comparing them to the 10 greatest teams of all time and they haven't even won the rose bowl yet...i don't think
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