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One that I am looking forward to is Birdman. Limited release in NY and LA last weekend and a slightly less limited release this weekend including a place near me. Going to try to go sese it. Otherwise, saw Fury. Actually pretty good. More "OMG, that was gruesome" moments that I expected there to be.
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John Wick. Really because there wasn't much else. I'm not a Keanu Reeves fan but for the action genre, this one was cliche' but executed in a very... stylish manner?

The movie basically adheres to everything you can expect from a shoot 'em up kind of movie (which is another favorite of mine) but the fight sequences are superb. I enjoyed it.
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Meh. It had a moment or two I guess, but I can't say it was particularly scary or well done. Overall it was too amateurish and the wrap story that was supposed to tie the rest together (a group is hired to steal a VHS tape and they end up watching these other stories) doesn't wrap anything together at all. It's just guys that break into a house and watch random VHS tapes they find.
The second one was slightly better, but yeah...not the greatest.
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The son of the Russian mafia "godfather" and a couple friends beat up a retired hit-man, steal his car, and kill his dog. How he let this happen is a mystery to me; since the rest of the movie is the hit-man overpowering, beating up, and killing everyone in the Russian mafia. John Wick sustains some wounds but like the EverReady Bunny, he keeps on going and going and going. The Russian mafia "godfather" points out that John Wick isn't the boogeyman, he's the man that you hire to kill the boogeyman. It's definitely a shoot-em up action picture.
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Went to see Nightcrawler tonight....

Very disappointed. When it was focused on the actual 'nightcrawling' it was great - very, very suspenseful. That awkward it's hard to look at the camera suspenseful...but there just wasn't enough of it. Too distracted and focused on the processing side of the news, numerous roles seemed poorly miscast, and the writing was forced. This felt like a major studio putting its hands too much on the final product. Visually though....pretty impressive. For an $8 mill budget, they will def make a great pay day out of this.

This is a Netflix rental; at best.
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Two in honor of Halloween that I had never gotten to see:

Nightmare on Elm Street (2010): So everyone trashed this remake hard. I had very mixed feelings about it. On one had, a movie about a serial pedophile shouldn't be as campy as the original in my IMO, so I liked the darker, more Heath Ledger Joker-esque treatment of the character. That said, the guy wasn't able to pull it off (not a surprise, it's a very difficult role to get right) like Ledger did, and the rest of the acting was questionable, despite the cast. I have to say though, Rooney Mara is really good, and there's just something about her...anyway, I give it 3/5, worth a watch, but nothing that stands out. The ending was just...bad as well.

The Descent: Normally, this little British Indie is the type of move I jump all over, but this one slipped through the cracks for me until now. I give them all a hell of a lot of credit, they went all in, balls to the wall, on this and...nearly pulled it off. Nearly. Great things include the all female cast (a rarity) and the foreign tradition of not mixing horror with needless sex, in order to focus on the story. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing attractive women take their clothes off, but not at the expense of the film...I don't watch horror movies for that. They really tried to add some depth to the characters, though the almost exclusive focus on two of them made it a bit uneven, and I don't think the ladies had quite enough experience to pull it off quite as well as it could have been. Still, major props for being able to create the darkness and claustrophobia, in a studio no less, and for the general weirdness and tension. I give it high praise and 4/5, way, way in the category of worth a watch, and maybe not quite as high as Ebert (4/4) or the lists that put it in the top 5 horror movies of the 2000s, but it was really good for what it was.
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