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Just finished The Mist.. this movie could've been good, despite the acting, if there had been a lack of a certain character in the movie. It easily has the most annoying character I've ever seen in a movie. For those of you who have seen it, I know why the character was in the movie, but the character was so damn annoying it took a lot away from the atmosphere of the movie.

I hate when shit is getting shoved into my face SO hard, SO much.

But, it was a decent film. I'm not big of that genre.

EDIT: I'm reading some reviews of this film now and people loved the acting. Each to his own, I guess.
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Balls of Fury - Don't waste your time - had a couple funny moments in a "Reno 911" absurd sense, but overall not much there. I don't know who the actor is who was the main character but he looked like Booger but about 100 lbs. fatter. Maggie Q is hot.

The Assassination of Jessee James by the Coward Robert Ford- I thought it was really good. A little on the long side (almost 3 hours). it got a little too deep in the human relationship stuff and psychological stuff, the scenery and locations are awesome. I never thought I would say this but Casey Affleck has been the best actor in two movies this year.
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Big Trouble in Little China

As always, Five Stars

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