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Gatorubet;1122086; said:
Pan's Labyrinth....either that or I was shrooming. :paranoid:

So I take it that you liked it? :tongue2:

I was thinking about watching this movie earlier, it's awesome.

EDIT: Just finished watching the Matrix. Fucking awesome movie. First one is the best, and that's the one I saw. :)
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BrutusMaximus;1121551; said:
The Mist - Decent movie, greatest ending ever

Loved the Mist. Much more HP Lovecraft type movie than Cloverfield. Also awesome ending.

Last night


Man have we come a long way special effect wise......
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Just watched 'No County For Old Men' - I enjoyed it. Javier Bardem really stole the show! I was disappointed with the ending, though.

I really did not like that movie. Most dull, boring plot ever, with no twists. Of course that is mostly what wins awards in this country, since apparently all we care about is blood, and a bunch of CG :p
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BrutusMaximus;1122253; said:
That was one of the worse movies ever made. Right up there with Sky Captin and the 3 hours I'll never get back. I actually took the dvd of it and put it on my grill after we watched it. Dont know why, but it was cool :biggrin:
I typically put those DVDs in the microwave for 3 seconds. Sparks are cool.
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Best Buckeye;1122218; said:
I watched I am legend last night it ranked as ok. looks like a remake of the Omega man with Heston. i won't need to watch it again.

The "Omega Man" was a movie adaptation of the book "I am Legend" by Richard Matheson, which is probably why the new "I am Legend" reminded you of it. Same story, different take.

Prior to the "Omega Man" was "The Last Man on Earth", filmed in 1964 and starring Vincent Price. Also, same book, different take.
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