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Bucky Katt;1120952; said:
Don't tell me what to do! :p

You know you love it, don't be shy!:wink2:

Upvote 0
OCBuckWife;1120961; said:
You know you love it, don't be shy!:wink2:


I've been a naughty kitten. I need to be punished.

Johnny Castle;1120964; said:
NOBODY puts baby in the corner.

Quality sucks, but you'll get the point.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-CCvsK9eAQ]YouTube - Alternate Ending to Dirty Dancing Family Guy[/ame]
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jwinslow;1120958; said:
Your precious site gives a 3-7 days after release before unmarked spoilers are kosher. That's ridiculous.

Of course the best way to prevent spoilers is to see it asap... that doesn't mean that spoilers should be welcomed in this thread, imo.

"Precious"? I just googled "spoilers statute of limitations", assuming I couldn't be the first to have come up with the phrase...

Meh, pretty minor spoiler from a so-so movie, either way.
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Roger Goodell;1121081; said:
Well you quoted it as an authority... :wink:If the post were merely about the canine, I would agree with you.

I don't even remember what the rest of the spoiler was now... Honestly, this was just a topic that was fresh on my mind, since just last week a friend cut me off mid-sentence because he hadn't seen Syriana yet! :smash:
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