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SanAntonioBuck;1123006; said:
Harlem Night's - I love Richard Pryor & Redd Foxx

Who wins in a fair fight? (By fair fight, I mean no shooting people in the pinkie toe :p)

"Harlem Nights"-Della Reese vs. "Touched by an Angel"-Della Reese.
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Bucky Katt;1123825; said:
Who wins in a fair fight? (By fair fight, I mean no shooting people in the pinkie toe :p)

"Harlem Nights"-Della Reese vs. "Touched by an Angel"-Della Reese.

HN Della would mop the floor with TbaA Della...and any angels that wanted to jump in would catch an asswhoopin too.
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The Unforgiven - classic movie

"Deserve's got nothin' to do with it!"

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3074326;1124246; said:
Watched I Am Legend at work tonight.

Wasn't as good the second time around. Still solid. And much better than work. :)

When I saw "I am legend", it almost felt like I was watching "28 Days Later"....the only difference being the movie being filmed in NY instead of London. However, I still think that it's a reasonably good movie!
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