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OSUsushichic;1126835; said:
No Country for Old Men. Meh.

utgrad73;1126839; said:
No Country for Old Men - odd


Watched this for the first time last night. It was a well-done movie technically, but I'm still not sure I would say it was a good movie. I'm pretty sure it was not enjoyable.
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Pan's Labyrinth - I really enjoyed it, but I was expecting something with a little more of a fantasy-feel. More like an adult-version of Labyrinth. Still a very good film.
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Bucky Katt;1128267; said:
Pan's Labyrinth - I really enjoyed it, but I was expecting something with a little more of a fantasy-feel. More like an adult-version of Labyrinth. Still a very good film.

Great movie. It kills me the stepfather's acting background is Spanish soap operas. I thought he did one hell of a job in that movie.
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jazzman;1129166; said:
Just watched "Aliens 3".....clearly not as good as the first Alien movie, which was a classic. However, I would still never get into a ring with Sigourney Weaver....she kicks ass!

Alien3 - I would say that has to be Finchers worst flick ever.

But hell we are talking about the guy who directed se7en, Fight Club, etc....
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BayBuck;1128116; said:
Atonement. This should have gotten the Oscar for Best Picture IMO.

Atonement's first 3rd is... brilliant. I never really got sucked back in... nevermind I'm not going to spoil. When it switches gears it drags in parts. Finally, I don't think the message the novel the movie was based is poorly translated cinematically. It's likely why the movie got nearly shut out at the Oscars, it was good it wasn't great.

You only win when you should. Just because No Country doesn't fit the mold of protagonist + antagonist - antagonist = protagonist does NOT make it any less of a movie. Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin have never been better. It's not saying exceedingly much for Brolin, Bardem is transcendent. He's truly an amazing actor, and if you enjoyed him in this you should see his other Oscar nominated role, Before Night Falls. Mar Ardento is really good too. I understand it's not for everyone, but the movie's so well done I am surprised there's so much negativity out there for it.
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souL;1129506; said:
Atonement's first 3rd is... brilliant. I never really got sucked back in... nevermind I'm not going to spoil. When it switches gears it drags in parts. Finally, I don't think the message the novel the movie was based is poorly translated cinematically. It's likely why the movie got nearly shut out at the Oscars, it was good it wasn't great.

You only win when you should. Just because No Country doesn't fit the mold of protagonist + antagonist - antagonist = protagonist does NOT make it any less of a movie. Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin have never been better. It's not saying exceedingly much for Brolin, Bardem is transcendent. He's truly an amazing actor, and if you enjoyed him in this you should see his other Oscar nominated role, Before Night Falls. Mar Ardento is really good too. I understand it's not for everyone, but the movie's so well done I am surprised there's so much negativity out there for it.

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souL;1129506; said:
You only win when you should. Just because No Country doesn't fit the mold of protagonist + antagonist - antagonist = protagonist does NOT make it any less of a movie. Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin have never been better. It's not saying exceedingly much for Brolin, Bardem is transcendent. He's truly an amazing actor, and if you enjoyed him in this you should see his other Oscar nominated role, Before Night Falls. Mar Ardento is really good too. I understand it's not for everyone, but the movie's so well done I am surprised there's so much negativity out there for it.

Completely disagree. You're saying The Departed is really the film that should have finally won it for Scorsese? Don't get me wrong, I loved everything about No Country, but like The Departed it was a legacy win for the Coens. I think Atonement's message translated as well as it possibly could, and IMO that movie was just the more lasting creation of the nominees.
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I just watched "House of Sand" or "Casa de Areia" yesterday. It was ok....it felt more like watching "Cast Away" except that it was a foreign film cast in the remote northern desert part of Brazil. It's worth a watch....was kindda slow moving, but I thought that some of the cinematography was outstanding.
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