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BayBuck;1129670; said:
Completely disagree. You're saying The Departed is really the film that should have finally won it for Scorsese? Don't get me wrong, I loved everything about No Country, but like The Departed it was a legacy win for the Coens.

I completely agree about The Departed for Scorcese. I love his work, but that movie didn't do much for me because I'd seen the Hong Kong version of it (Infernal Affairs) a couple months earlier, and it was basically the same movie in English.
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souL;1129506; said:
Atonement's first 3rd is... brilliant. I never really got sucked back in... nevermind I'm not going to spoil. When it switches gears it drags in parts. Finally, I don't think the message the novel the movie was based is poorly translated cinematically. It's likely why the movie got nearly shut out at the Oscars, it was good it wasn't great.

You only win when you should. Just because No Country doesn't fit the mold of protagonist + antagonist - antagonist = protagonist does NOT make it any less of a movie. Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin have never been better. It's not saying exceedingly much for Brolin, Bardem is transcendent. He's truly an amazing actor, and if you enjoyed him in this you should see his other Oscar nominated role, Before Night Falls. Mar Ardento is really good too. I understand it's not for everyone, but the movie's so well done I am surprised there's so much negativity out there for it.

I disagree with what you have to say about Atonement, but I agree 190% with your comments about No Country for Old Men. I was shocked that more people didn't love this film. I thought everything about it was fantastic. Easily the best film I've seen in a long time.

And I loved the Departed, but I didn't see Internal Affairs. So my opinion on that isn't completely valid. Just felt like throwing my $.02 out there for that one. :tongue2:
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Some friends drug me to see Super Hero movie, i'm here to say... the spoof genre has failed miserably. Scary movie 1 and 2 werent bad, but this one sucked more than meet the Spartans. Of course they find anything funny, so they said it was hilarious - and said I was retarded for not finding it great.

No, Monty Python was hilarious, A shot in the dark was great, Blazing Saddles makes people drop dead and Stripes was by far my favorite. I was tempted to ask for my $7 back; aside from that, the movie itself was only an hour and 15 minutes. Fuck that , fuck whoever rights these scripts and fuck the people that think they have something worthy of decent comedy and produce it.
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Buckeneye;1132587; said:
Some friends drug me to see Super Hero movie, i'm here to say... the spoof genre has failed miserably. Scary movie 1 and 2 werent bad, but this one sucked more than meet the Spartans. Of course they find anything funny, so they said it was hilarious - and said I was retarded for not finding it great.

No, Monty Python was hilarious, A shot in the dark was great, Blazing Saddles makes people drop dead and Stripes was by far my favorite. I was tempted to ask for my $7 back; aside from that, the movie itself was only an hour and 15 minutes. Fuck that , fuck whoever rights these scripts and fuck the people that think they have something worthy of decent comedy and produce it.
I agree. Even as recently as Robin Hood Men In Tights and High School the spoof genre was on point. Now I think Taos is the only person who enjoys them.
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Buckeneye;1132587; said:
Some friends drug me to see Super Hero movie, i'm here to say... the spoof genre has failed miserably. Scary movie 1 and 2 werent bad, but this one sucked more than meet the Spartans. Of course they find anything funny, so they said it was hilarious - and said I was retarded for not finding it great.

No, Monty Python was hilarious, A shot in the dark was great, Blazing Saddles makes people drop dead and Stripes was by far my favorite. I was tempted to ask for my $7 back; aside from that, the movie itself was only an hour and 15 minutes. Fuck that , fuck whoever rights these scripts and fuck the people that think they have something worthy of decent comedy and produce it.

The worst part about it is that these movies are actually money-makers. It's sad. I'm not sure how much that movie was to make, but it's brought in over $9.5 million in a week (according to Rotten Tomatoes).. there are so many unknown, great movies out there, and these are some of the successful ones. :(

I love comedies, but these spoofs rely on other peoples' work and just make fun of it. It's not even comedy!

My opinion of course.. no offense intended to those who enjoy these movies.
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3074326;1132590; said:
The worst part about it is that these movies are actually money-makers. It's sad. I'm not sure how much that movie was to make, but it's brought in over $9.5 million in a week (according to Rotten Tomatoes).. there are so many unknown, great movies out there, and these are some of the successful ones. :(

The American population is littered with a huge cross-section of dullards and dolts. Three words...Larry the Cableguy.

bigballin2987;1132591; said:
Has anyone seen The Grand? I know it is not out in most cities, just wondering if anyone has seen it.
My girlfriend saw it this week and said it was one of the best comedies she's seen in a long time and that I would love it. If she said that, I trust her that it was pretty damn good.

Last I watched...

Two of my faves that I hadn't watched in a long time:

'Sleepers'...I didn't like this movie when I saw it in theatres 11 (!) years ago, but bought it in the DVD bargain bin one day and really enjoy it now. Great cast.

'Gross Pointe Blank'...Cusack is always good and I fell in love with Minnie Driver in this movie. Great flick...m*ch*g*n setting aside.
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NFBuck;1132595; said:
My girlfriend saw it this week and sit it was one of the best comedies she's seen in a long time and that I would love it. If she said that, I trust her that it was pretty damn good.
Good Morning NFBuck. Yeah, it looks awesome. Some friends of mine in L.A. told me it was hilarious. I wish it was out where I live. I saw the previews and thought it looked hilarious because it makes fun of all the douchebags that play poker.
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These two on an airplane:

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