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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

genron187;1557209; said:
What a wonderful article. And he still takes a Bus and train to school. He doing that before STA anywayz. 3.2 GPA...WOW. Whoever that uncle is of his kudos to him..kudos

Kudos if you tell me you crawled him for that missed tackle on the garbage time TD from Byrnes....
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ysubuck;1556458; said:
During a kick off return in the first half it appeared that Byrnes was going to get fantastic field position as a rather large crease opened up and the returner was on his way.

Lamarcus came from across the field (the left side of the TV screen) like he was shot out of a gun and made the play.

I rewound the play several times because I couldn't get over the speed.

My wife was getting the kids upstairs for bed and stopped what she was doing when she noticed the play. Now, my wife couldn't care less about sports, but she stopped what she was doing and said "Wow, that kid came out of nowhere."

Joyner is a player.

Man I have to get a copy of the game. I missed the 1 qtr. i was watching the rerun at 4:30 in the morning
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LJ really impressed me last night, I'd seen film on him but hadn't watched him play live. He has such explosive speed; he's a true gamechanger on offense/special teams. Sure tackler; would have like to have seen him in coverage more, but having seen his film I know he has good cover skills. Would love to see him in the S&G, but I will root for the kid no matter where he goes.
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To put it simply...LJ proved why he isn't a good player, but an elite player. I knew he was fast, but his speed is just on another level. He really did dominate out there and I'm not so sure we would want to play him at corner only...I would like to see him get a little action on the offensive side of the ball as well. On defense, it didn't seem as if Byrnes wanted to throw his way but victimized Riggs. This is really impressive considering the talent level (that I perceived anyways) Byrnes had at receiver...#24 is legit and they had another solid receiver. Above all else, Joyner is a dynamic kick returner though. I couldn't have been much more impressed with Joyner's ability. Here is to hoping OSU gets LaMarcus, he could make an immediate impact.
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DB Lamarcus Joyner rose to the occasion on the biggest of stages in St. Thomas Aquinas' victory over Byrnes on Friday night - ESPN

Lamarcus Joyner (Fort Lauderdale, Fla./Saint Thomas Aquinas) is a big play waiting to happen.

On Friday night, the entire country got to see it firsthand as the Under Armour All-American cornerback ripped off two momentum-seizing big plays in the top-ranked Raiders' 42-34 win against Byrnes (Duncan, S.C.) before a national audience watching on ESPNU.

He touched the ball twice, gained 145 yards and scored two touchdowns.

With Byrnes leading 7-0 and holding momentum, Joyner rushed past the Rebels secondary, catching a deep pass from quarterback Jacob Rudock in stride and racing to the end zone. The play came with 2:34 to go in the first quarter and with Aquinas facing a third-and-16.

"It's not really anything new to me," Joyner said. "It doesn't make me feel excited, it just makes me feel good that I pulled it out for my team. It's not about me anymore. It's about my team. I just want to see this team continue to be No. 1 in the nation."

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wadc45;1558541; said:
DB Lamarcus Joyner rose to the occasion on the biggest of stages in St. Thomas Aquinas' victory over Byrnes on Friday night - ESPN

He was asked what his thoughts were about Florida coach Urban Meyer and Miami Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter being on the sidelines for the game.
"I get the chance to meet great men all the time," Joyner said. "Like [STA assistant and ESPN NFL analyst] coach Cris Carter, he is going to be in the Hall of Fame soon.

I like to read into things...and I'll read that as a positive for Ohio State.
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I do it every year.

I swear that I won't do it but I always end up getting my hopes really high about a high school kid.

That kid is Lamarcus Joyner this year. This kid is a player. This kid says and does all the right things.

LJ is a difference maker and he's a kid who is going to make those around him better.
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wadc45;1558541; said:

Should also be noted that, once again, ESPN's JC Schurburtt [in charge of Southeast Recruiting] is sticking to his original guess that Lamarcus ends up at Florida State.
Many expect uncommitted prospect Lamarcus Joyner to end up at Florida State.

Who knows, but at the very least, Joyner would be Ohio State's KR/PR.
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Poe McKnoe;1558952; said:
Should also be noted that, once again, ESPN's JC Schurburtt [in charge of Southeast Recruiting] is sticking to his original guess that Lamarcus ends up at Florida State.

Who knows, but at the very least, Joyner would be Ohio State's KR/PR.
Our insiders are feeling REALLY good...and are being pretty vocal about it.
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Magua;1559151; said:
With what's going on at FSU right now, I feel a little better day by day.
Exactly. IMO Joyner is really torn between FSU and OSU, and the reason why he's waiting is because he doesn't want to go to a shipwreck of a program for the next four years. He loves us both--maybe FSU a little more, honestly--but the difference isn't enough that he wants to go to an 8-5 program each year, with no end in sight.
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