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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

What an artice on Lamarcus

I rarely post, but that article made me do so.......

I gotta echo the sentiment of everyone else on here. I also just sat reading that article saying to myself, "Wow".

Reading that piece made me think to myself, "I hope my son, if he is ever in that situation, responds like Lamarcus is doing......"

And I rarely let my kids wear athletes jerseys (because of how often they---and I---can be disappointed by inappropriate behaviors), but I kept thinking to myself when I was reading it, "now this is the kind of MAN that I want my kids to look up to."

And the part about the fact that now that the pressure is "on", Lamarcus is "turning more to his Bible." I ask you, how many kids in today's society think that way?? Not enough, I'm sure....

Lamarcus, a message to you from someone who appreciates what you said:

1.) Thanks for recognizing how important you are to kids who look up to you. If you become a Buckeye, my kids will end up idolizing you, and that is a big responsibility, one it seems you are totally prepared for.

2.) Thanks for being committed to your faith, and for not being ashamed to say so. Again, kids read what mega-recruits like you say, and it has a BIG impact.

3.) Give your Mom a hug, because it is obvious she did an remarkable job raising you. (Good to see you have patched things up with your dad as well). Parents go through a lot for their kids, and to see them develop into men like you means a lot....I'm sure your Mom would agree with me.

4.) Your statement about not getting rewarded when you do good things hits Ohioans right where it counts. Buckeyes expect great things out of themselves, and expect morality out of ourselves on a daily basis. It shouldn't be unusual, it's what God calls each one of us to.

I want to sincerely wish you good luck on your journey, no matter what your decision, although I clearly want to see you as a Buckeye, so that my kids can see you play. But either way, you will be a good role model, and we need more of those today. There are a lot of parents working two jobs to provide for their kids, and we can use all the positive role models we can get.

I leave you and your family with an excerpt from my favorite Biblical passage----from The Second Letter to the Thessalonians---Chapter 3, Verses 6-16:

"For you know how one must imitate us. For we did not act in a disorderly way among you, nor did we eat food received free from anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked, so as not to burden any of you. Not that we do not have the right. Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for you, so that you might imitate us."

Your hard work & your commitment to your faith is paying off. Good Luck & God Bless. I truly hope you become a Buckeye, because we need men like you up here.

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bucksdomination;1504163; said:
I rarely post, but that article made me do so.......

I gotta echo the sentiment of everyone else on here. I also just sat reading that article saying to myself, "Wow".

Reading that piece made me think to myself, "I hope my son, if he is ever in that situation, responds like Lamarcus is doing......"

And I rarely let my kids wear athletes jerseys (because of how often they---and I---can be disappointed by inappropriate behaviors), but I kept thinking to myself when I was reading it, "now this is the kind of MAN that I want my kids to look up to."

And the part about the fact that now that the pressure is "on", Lamarcus is "turning more to his Bible." I ask you, how many kids in today's society think that way?? Not enough, I'm sure....

Lamarcus, a message to you from someone who appreciates what you said:

1.) Thanks for recognizing how important you are to kids who look up to you. If you become a Buckeye, my kids will end up idolizing you, and that is a big responsibility, one it seems you are totally prepared for.

2.) Thanks for being committed to your faith, and for not being ashamed to say so. Again, kids read what mega-recruits like you say, and it has a BIG impact.

3.) Give your Mom a hug, because it is obvious she did an remarkable job raising you. (Good to see you have patched things up with your dad as well). Parents go through a lot for their kids, and to see them develop into men like you means a lot....I'm sure your Mom would agree with me.

4.) Your statement about not getting rewarded when you do good things hits Ohioans right where it counts. Buckeyes expect great things out of themselves, and expect morality out of ourselves on a daily basis. It shouldn't be unusual, it's what God calls each one of us to.

I want to sincerely wish you good luck on your journey, no matter what your decision, although I clearly want to see you as a Buckeye, so that my kids can see you play. But either way, you will be a good role model, and we need more of those today. There are a lot of parents working two jobs to provide for their kids, and we can use all the positive role models we can get.

I leave you and your family with an excerpt from my favorite Biblical passage----from The Second Letter to the Thessalonians---Chapter 3, Verses 6-16:

"For you know how one must imitate us. For we did not act in a disorderly way among you, nor did we eat food received free from anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked, so as not to burden any of you. Not that we do not have the right. Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for you, so that you might imitate us."

Your hard work & your commitment to your faith is paying off. Good Luck & God Bless. I truly hope you become a Buckeye, because we need men like you up here.


Great post. :io:
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bucksdomination;1504163; said:
Buckeyes expect great things out of themselves, and expect morality out of ourselves on a daily basis. It shouldn't be unusual, it's what God calls each one of us to.

Would it be against the recruiting forum rules to link to the "Late Night Drunk" thread from here?
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Duane Long is right. FSU is close to home and a dream school------O-State is going to have to separate themselves or he is a Seminole.

That is where it is headed right now; especially with our track record of not getting big time recruits on LOI day.

The positive is that TOSU is so close even being so far away and competing against a "dream" school.

Ultimately it's not about having a better opportunity for the NFL or # of db's each school has produced or any of that because they are both equal. For TOSU to win this uphill battle Joyner is going to have to sit down and check TOSU for just about every one of the following.

---atmosphere and feeling of being on campus. Columbus is much different than Tallahasee and the campus and life is as well. Team commaradity fits here as well. This is probably the most important thing because it is about the right "fit".

This is personal opinion. I would want a city and a campus that I could feel home to for the next 4 years. He will have to way the pro's and con's of each.

----the stadium and fans and tradition

I think TOSU has a deeper tradition; a better atmosphere to play home games in and a much bigger alumni following but this does not matter to some recruits. He needs to breath in each school and ask what uniform and stadium does LJ envision himself in.

---Direction of program.

FSU has as much tradition as anyone over the last 30 years but recently the program has not been up to par and with Bowden getting ready to retire some uncertainty exists. Winning matters to Joyner; and he needs to ask which program has a better shot of giving him titles. And which program will deliver in regards to what he expected when signing his signature.


Both care about kids and the program. Tressel is more hands on and calls the offensive plays. Bowden is a figurehead. I would want my head coach to be detailed and have his fingerprints on everything. I have seen Bowden's coaching show and he does not know the names of all his players. Great man; but he is getting up there and LJ needs as much confidence in Jimbo Fisher as Bowden. All the assistants need to be factored in as well.


LJ needs a scheme to uitilize his talents and if I were him that would involve man. I think FSU is better in this regard as far as bump and run consistently. Both programs might put him on offense and will promise to uitilize him. He could be like a Gamble.

----Playing for your dream school

LJ has to ask if this is the overriding factor. He needs to give equal thought into playing for each school because it would be easy to envision himself in an FSU uniform and nowhere else.

Some guys have gone elsewhere besides a dream school and had success. A majority were not recruited by their dream school probably; and a couple might of just chose to go somewhere else and make their own path. Urban Meyer's dream school was Notre Dame and he went to Florida.

If FSU was not his dream school who would he choose based on everything else? Why has he not already committed to FSU?

--Ultimately if FSU is his dream school and where his heart lies then you can't blame him.

If LJ looks at the whole situation I think TOSU has some positives that stand out but never like chances with OOS players.

The USC game will be the determing factor probably for LJ to see if he "fits" with the program.
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bucksdomination;1504163; said:
I rarely post, but that article made me do so.......

I gotta echo the sentiment of everyone else on here. I also just sat reading that article saying to myself, "Wow".

Reading that piece made me think to myself, "I hope my son, if he is ever in that situation, responds like Lamarcus is doing......"

And I rarely let my kids wear athletes jerseys (because of how often they---and I---can be disappointed by inappropriate behaviors), but I kept thinking to myself when I was reading it, "now this is the kind of MAN that I want my kids to look up to."

And the part about the fact that now that the pressure is "on", Lamarcus is "turning more to his Bible." I ask you, how many kids in today's society think that way?? Not enough, I'm sure....

Lamarcus, a message to you from someone who appreciates what you said:

1.) Thanks for recognizing how important you are to kids who look up to you. If you become a Buckeye, my kids will end up idolizing you, and that is a big responsibility, one it seems you are totally prepared for.

2.) Thanks for being committed to your faith, and for not being ashamed to say so. Again, kids read what mega-recruits like you say, and it has a BIG impact.

3.) Give your Mom a hug, because it is obvious she did an remarkable job raising you. (Good to see you have patched things up with your dad as well). Parents go through a lot for their kids, and to see them develop into men like you means a lot....I'm sure your Mom would agree with me.

4.) Your statement about not getting rewarded when you do good things hits Ohioans right where it counts. Buckeyes expect great things out of themselves, and expect morality out of ourselves on a daily basis. It shouldn't be unusual, it's what God calls each one of us to.

I want to sincerely wish you good luck on your journey, no matter what your decision, although I clearly want to see you as a Buckeye, so that my kids can see you play. But either way, you will be a good role model, and we need more of those today. There are a lot of parents working two jobs to provide for their kids, and we can use all the positive role models we can get.

I leave you and your family with an excerpt from my favorite Biblical passage----from The Second Letter to the Thessalonians---Chapter 3, Verses 6-16:

"For you know how one must imitate us. For we did not act in a disorderly way among you, nor did we eat food received free from anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked, so as not to burden any of you. Not that we do not have the right. Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for you, so that you might imitate us."

Your hard work & your commitment to your faith is paying off. Good Luck & God Bless. I truly hope you become a Buckeye, because we need men like you up here.


To me this has nothing to do with recruiting. Reading this post made me so proud to have had a hand in the young mans life. Whats happens from here I dont know, but it almost makes me feel like a proud father. I just texted him about how well he carried himself in the article. i will make sure that he reads this. And this has nothing to do with recruiting.
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OSUGRAD21, hey man it was nice meeting you at FNL. I wanted to talk with ya more doing the time we were eating but i can't catch you. Thanks for looking us up. It was a good pleasure. Your good peeps.
And OSU is my number #1 wish list now. Don't know if that will help or not. But I'm still Florida breed baby
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