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i saw and discussed this this weekend. he doesnt have a strong stand up background, i think he took something tried to make it a joke, overstepped the lines trying to make a joke. who really knows, i just dont think hed go off like that if it didnt have some sort of prospect at humor. that being said in general i dont like stand up comedy, 99 percent of it is racist...
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Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061126/ap_en_tv/michael_richards

On radio, comic apologizes for tirade
NEW YORK - Comedian Michael Richards said Sunday he did not consider himself a racist, and said he was "shattered" by the comments he made to two young black men during a tirade at a Los Angeles comedy club.

Richards appeared on the Rev. Jesse Jackson's nationally syndicated radio program, "Keep Hope Alive," as a part of a series of apologies for the incident. He said he knew his comments hurt the black community, and hoped to meet with the two men.

He told Jackson that he had not used the language before.

"That's why I'm shattered by it. The way this came through me was like a freight train. After it was over, when I went to look for them, they had gone. And I've tried to meet them, to talk to them, to get some healing," he said.

Richards, who played Jerry Seinfeld's wacky neighbor Kramer on the TV sitcom "Seinfeld," was performing at West Hollywood's Laugh Factory last week when he lashed out at hecklers with a string of racial obscenities and profane language. A cell phone videocamera captured the outburst, and the incident later appeared on TMZ.com.

Richards told Jackson the tirade was fueled by anger, not bigotry.

"I was in a place of humiliation," he said.

Richards' publicist, Howard Rubenstein, said Saturday that Richards has begun psychiatric counseling in Los Angeles to learn how to manage his anger and understand why he made the racist remarks.

"He acknowledged that his statements were harmful and opened a terrible racial wound in our nation," Rubenstein said. "He pledges never ever to say anything like that again. He's quite remorseful."

Jackson, who has called Richards' words "hateful," "sick," and "deep-seated," said the comedian's inclusion on the show was a chance for a broader discussion about "cultural isolation" in the entertainment industry.
"We might turn this minus into a plus," Jackson said.
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Bleed S & G;670568; said:
"He acknowledged that his statements were harmful and opened a terrible racial wound in our nation," Rubenstein said.

Come on now. Yes, what he said was stupid, but he isn't the fucking pope! I don't think the nation is "wounded" because of what some comedian says on stage.

How many times have we heard comedians call someone a cracker, or bust on a mexican, or even use the "n" word?

The only difference is that he lost his cool and appeared serious. Lets get some thicker skin and move on.....
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Kramers not racist, in fact he's always wanted to be black!

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osubuckeyealum;671793; said:
I don't think he is a racist. I think he just got caught up in the moment with the hecklers and just went a little overboard. Have you ever heard the comics on BET?

But that's completely different. Its black comedians ripping on white people. Perfectly acceptable apparently.
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Racist or not after listening to most of the interview he did with Jesse Jackson and seeing his brief appearance on Letterman it's clear that Michael Richards is far crazier than Cosmo Kramer ever was. :crazy:
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