RCollett said:
Did I miss someting somewhere? Are people just pissed with Herbie because he works for the Pin or what. He has seemed pretty supportive of tOSU on his radio show in 1460 The Fan, and stated many times that they are told what they can and cannot talk about on the air during ShameDay. I think he was just doing his job. He is still one of the biggest Buckeye fans in the world of broadcasters, but he has to try hard to not play favorites.
RC, please don't take this as a personal attack, because it isn't, and I must admit at the outset that I am in a foul mood after finding two good friends have died in a week.
If Herbstreit takes a job in which he just says what he is told to say, then what expertise is he bringing to that job? Is Herbstreit not arguing that he doesn't dare say what he believes because he might not please his masters.
OK. That's a business decision he has made. But it is a decision that puts his integrity right on the line in my opinion.
Of course, he has been supportive on 1460, that's also a business decision. What does Herbie really think? And which is the real Herbstreit? The one who speaks on 1460thefan or the one who silently acquieces while ESPiN bashes the very University to which he owes his career?
Herbstreit wants to be a national radio personality and I wish him well in that endeavor. But, you can't play it both ways and his status as an alumni and former player have no sway in this GameDay decision.
ESPiN's attack on OSU has been premeditated, dishonest, repugnant, and disgusting. It has damaged our players, coaches, administrators and University. One could argue that it has damaged the value of our degrees and our community solely to line the pockets of Disney shareholders with money and that Herbie has played a role in that by his silence.
Personally, I am tired of all of the arguments that we need to understand about his paycheck and career and the like. He's a big boy who has chosen against tOSU, why do we need to understand him? He's chosen cash over integrity. Furthermore, by his telling us that the presenters are told what to say, he's telling us that this was indeed a premeditated and managed attack on Ohio State. How else could Prince Albert and the May Queen said the things that they and the other "wonderful investigative journalists" have said? How else would "Where's the money, Mommy?"'s best Friend have published that pack of rubbish?
Herbstreit is where he is BECAUSE he played football at Ohio State. He OWES Ohio State. In return, he has done nothing to help set the record straight except play out platitudes on Columbus radio and whinge about having to please his masters at ESPiN.
I don't begrudge Herbie, that's a lot of cash he'd be throwing away. But he mustn't now think he will get special treatment because he is a homeboy. He has picked his side in this fight and it wasn't Ohio State. I think he will be getting everything he deserves in that new Bristol home and wish him well but I don't want to see him and his buddies at OSU-TEXAS until ESPiN apologizes.
No apology. No GameDay. Boycott ESPiN.