I must apologize because I think my comments about Herbie hijacked the thread. Usually, I would have kept my thoughts about Herbstreit to myself but I think I explained my state of mind as I started writing.
I am in complete agreement with VLMarti and BrutusBobcat. My comments weren't meant to hijack the thread and I should just put my comments in context and then drop this.
Mili, I wasn't indicating that Herbie should be a homer and pick the Buckeyes every week. That is a professional decision and he must make his call. I am furthermore sure that he is not told who to pick.
What I referred to is something else, it is his silence during these vicious attacks. I don't begrudge him for it, judge him for it, hate him for it or whatever. But it tells me that he is not our guy and that he does not represent Ohio State.
I am not sure I would have expected him to say, "I am sorry but I totally disagree with Alberts and May and I will reserve any further comment until I hear the outcome of the NCAA investigation" but I think he could have said "well, those are allegations, some of which the NCAA has investigated and rejected already, so let's just wait and see."
My thoughts are these...
Herbie is no doubt a Buckeye fan. Nobody can question that.
Herbie is an excellent sports commentator and I like the insights he shares.
Herbie is an ESPiN spokesperson. He is not ESPiN.
My understanding is that Herbie is not using his position to aid Ohio State in the current situation in any way, except on Columbus radio. That is his right. He has a right to reserve comment in defense of Ohio State and even to speak against it if he believes that the facts warrant it. His silence is his business but its also a decision that alienates him from some of us who would have expected him to rise to a higher standard and who think he owes something to Ohio State. That's our perception and he must make his own mind up as to who he does or does not owe for his accomplishments. If playing at Ohio State were the sole requirement, we'd see a lot more Buckeye commentators. So, I don't think Ohio State is the sole reason he is where he is.
One thing is more disgusting than the attacks on OSU by ESPiN--the disgusting threats and attacks on Herbie. Nobody deserves to be threatened because of opinions or actions as a commentator or fan. The people who have physically threatened Herbie or his family should be identified and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In any case, he hasn't done anything that would justify anger. He is not ESPiN, he works there!
The fact that Herbie attended Ohio State and played for the Buckeyes is irrelevant in the discussion about GameDay. He is not "our" guy. He does not represent Ohio State. If he did, he would have spoken out for OSU. Herbie is "his" guy and that's what he has to be given the path he has chosen.
So, in my opinion, we can't on one hand say "look, he has to be his guy because..." and in the next breath say, "he's our guy..." and that is what it seems to me we keep saying on BP.
Herbie needs us to "cut him some slack". ESPiN's attack has put him in a very uncomfortable position. He has made a business decision in the interest of his career and we can all understand that it is a substantial financial price he would pay to show the kind of integrity that would allow him to stand up and be counted. I am not sure what I would do in the same situation. None of us can be sure what we would do. I am sure this whole affair has caused him much personal anguish.
This thread is about GameDay coming to the Texas game and there were some early posts suggesting that we should allow them to come. I don't want them to come. Because of the possible fan problems, which will make Ohio State look bad on a national stage and because I would like to deny them presence so that the entire world sees that their money will not buy our integrity.
Again, normally I would have kept my thoughts about Herbstreit to myself but I think I explained my state of mind as I started writing. Herbie is the only possible reason to allow them to come, in my opinion, and my points outlined above were meant to suggest that his role on GameDay is insufficient to allow them to come to the Texas game.
This thread concerns whether VL Marti should craft an open letter that concerned fans could sign to keep GameDay out for the Texas game. I strongly support the notion that he does and apologize for diverting attention away from this important initiative.