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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)

Chuck Booms has put on some weight
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Police Report: Johnny Manziel Involved In Massive Fight Late Friday Night at The 9 in Downtown Cleveland
Posted By Doug Brown on Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 1:08 PM

An eager Cleveland Browns fan sparked a massive fight at The 9 when he approached Johnny Manziel and his "entourage" late Friday night, according to a police report obtained today by Scene.

Cleveland police were called to the apartment's lobby at 2:36 a.m. for a report of a "riot" involving 20 men and two security guards.

The alleged victim, 33-year-old Sandusky resident Chris Gonos, reported to police that he and his girlfriend spotted Manziel while waiting for an elevator at the high-end apartment complex, where many Cleveland professional athletes live, and professed his love to the rookie quarterback.

Gonos told police he pointed Manziel out to his girlfriend: "That's Johnny Manziel." Then he approached him.

According to the report, "at this time victim stated to the unidentified male, 'I'm the biggest Browns fan ever, I love you, I want to give you a hug.'"

Gonos stepped towards Manziel and was promptly punched in the face, the alleged victim's account to police says, followed by a beat down by Manziel's crew, giving the man a "swollen lip, right eye swollen, red face." A security guard intervened and also was hurt.

Cont'd ...
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Wait, was this Thursday night into Friday morning @2am? Or Friday into Saturday @2am?

My touch screen must be broke because the full link isn't opening when I click it?

Also, I was under the impression the team leaves on Friday's for away games on that distance.
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Browns QB Johnny Manziel entered rehab facility last week

Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel has been in rehab since last Wednesday, FOX Sports 1 NFL insider Mike Garafolo has confirmed.
Manziel, whose penchant for partying has been well-documented, apparently felt like the offseason was the right time to seek help.

Brad Beckworth, a friend and advisor to Manziel and his family, confirmed that the 2014 first-round pick entered treatment, saying: "Johnny knows there are areas in which he needs to improve in order to be a better family member, friend and teammate, and he thought the offseason was the right time to take this step. On behalf of Johnny and his family, we're asking for privacy until he rejoins the team in Cleveland."

Entire article: http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/...nziel-entered-rehab-facility-last-week-020215
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