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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)

His trick play....

Browns' Johnny Manziel Involved in Creative Trick Play, Penalty Negates Big Gain

Entire article with video: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...-creative-trick-play-penalty-negates-big-gain
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Here we go....Bridgewater forced into duty early due to Cassel breaking an ankle. How's the Money Badger doin?

Hoyer has been pretty good? Of course that why I was hoping they would go a different direction with that second first round pick. Give me the pick back with no trade up and Kelvin Benjamin and I'd be happy. Sign the Dragon and Pryor to be backups/wildcat/TD jump ball catcher.
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Every time this gets bumped, I expect the headline for the link to include the words Was found in a ditch after hanging out with Kevin Mack in "east Cleveland", wondering why Jose Mesa left to ditch his gun and left his "hooker", and decided to do some "blow" off her ass in some combination, that included a $100 bill and a dental dam.

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