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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)

Who knew? The only reason Johnny hasn't been acting himself is because he's needed a Snickers.

In reality he is acting like himself, I think he's basically the 2014 version of Broadway Joe:


With Johhny Football, what you see is what you got. I seriously doubt that he will change that much.
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In reality he is acting like himself, I think he's basically the 2014 version of Broadway Joe:


With Johhny Football, what you see is what you got. I seriously doubt that he will change that much.

Probably a pretty decent comparison. If there were cell phone cameras back in Broadway Joe's day, who know what sort of depravity would've been captured.....
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Who knew? The only reason Johnny hasn't been acting himself is because he's needed a Snickers.

There are a million possibilities for brilliance.

-have a priest looking lost at a strip club in Vegas
Stripper: "Here, padre.....you look hungry....have a Snickers"
Stripper puts one of the small square Snickers into his mouth (ala a priest delivering communion)
-Cut to Johnny snorting coke off of the same stripper's ass
Voiceover: "Not feeling yourself? Have a Snickers"
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Report: Johnny Manziel’s off-field actions have “alarmed” Browns

At the outset of Browns training camp comes a published report indicating the organization is concerned about Johnny Manziel’s off-field activities this offseason.

Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, citing unnamed sources, reported Friday that the Browns were “alarmed” by a few of Manziel’s off-field actions since joining the organization, with the now-infamous dollar bill picture particularly of concern to the organization.


Moreover, the Plain Dealer reports that Manziel’s play in OTAs “regressed” as the workouts went on — and that members of the organization believed it could be chalked up to Manziel not being diligent enough in his work.

What’s more, the Plain Dealer, citing sources, reported that some in the organization believed Manziel had “lost ground” in the battle to beat out Brian Hoyer for the starting job.

Entire article: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.co...nziels-off-field-actions-have-alarmed-browns/


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