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Johnny Manziel (unemployed)


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people that want to blackmail certain 1-round picks while they roll a $20 to snort a line of coke?

How does one go about blackmailing somebody who clearly doesn't care what they are seen doing?

Also, I'm moving these recent posts to the Money Badger thread. The TMZ stuff should stay in that thread and the Browns should be for football. Until he gets charged with something like Gordon or becomes involved in actual news, let's keep the gossip confined to one place.
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Does anyone think that baring injury Brian Hoyer won't be the starting QB for the Browns all year? Manziel really needs to hook Gordon up with his urine guy.
Yes. Well, possibly. If the Browns go 1-2 or 0-3 in the first 3 games, it opens a golden opportunity for the rookie FO to cave to media pressure (which at that point would be scorching) and start him coming out of the bye week. However, if he starts 2-1, 3-0, or 1-2 but they lose like 51-45, then I think it's Hoyer's job to lose. But I can see some Willie Beamon stuff going on with another poor start.
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